Brave 10 Ep 5: Manliness of Unspoken Things Between Men

Isanami is rescued. What else did you expect? Date Masamune- he did nothing but reveal his plans this episode. Isanami goes through a crisis of conscience because people that protect her are getting hurt, and Sasuke fails to convince her to leave her self-created cage.

I was this excited for episode 5. *squirms* Heehee~


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Brave 10 Ep 4: Bittersweet Return

Isanami and company arrive back at Izumo. They investigate the ruins, and despite Isanami’s best efforts to stay strong, she cracks and Saizou has to comfort her in his own gruff way. They discover a hidden passageway in the shrine, where Hanzo and Snake Lady ambush them.

Kakei almost has his virtue taken away (;D), and they’re all saved by Yuri’s masochistic tendencies.

Post-fight eye-candy. Rawr~


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