Happiness Charge Precure Ep 19 Img 0022I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT WOULDN’T BE THAT SIMPLE, but holy smokes, who else gasped when Hikawa had only invited Megumi and Yuuko to be her team-mates to take down Phantom? I am still speechless about it because I still can’t believe she did that in front of Hime. That is just downright cruel! Nobody wants to (nor should ever) have to stand there and watch their friends recieve an invitation that wasn’t exsteneded to you (I’m sure all of us have been through that bullshit at least once in our life). It has been a pretty difficult episode for Hime, and it’s going to be even harder next week since in the beginning of the episode, Blue told Hime it’s about time she should tell Megumi and Yuuko about what had happened with the Axia box. In fact, the minute Blue brought that up, I knew shit was going to go down. That being said, I am very much looking forward to knowing exactly how Hime had supposedly betrayed Hikawa and (most likely) her sister. It’s a dark secret that Hime has no desire of sharing to Megumi and Yuuko because she is scared that they will hate her. and now more than ever, with Hikawa extending her invitations to specifically Cure Lovely and Cure Honey, the chances of them leaving her side probably feels even more likely. Actually, given to how hostile Hikawa was towards Hime throughout the entire soccer match, I was more or less expecting her to reveal the truth herself. So it makes me wonder, who is going to reveal it first, Hime or Hikawa? The truth can be like a double-edge sword. I think at this point, we are all hoping that Hikawa will forgive Hime, or/and Hime apologizes for whatever had happened between them and Marie so that finally, Team Happiness Charge will be complete.
While Hime’s secret was simmering at the service throughout the entire episode, there was another tidbit that we learned about today. Although it is no surprise, Ribbon reveals that despite the fact the girls (Megumi, Yuuko and Hime) are working altogether to collect the precure-cards, only one wish can be granted. If we were to throw Hikawa into the group, it will only make this matter even more complicated unless she continues to collect precure-cards on her own. It is almost clear as night and day that it is Hime’s and Hikawa’s wishes that are the ones that the girls will have to choose between. Not to say that Megumi’s and Yuuko’s aren’t important, but they are the main two who have so much on their shoulders.
Of course, there is no way in hell Megumi and Yuuko are going to leave Hime’s side. They are her faithful friends and I’m sure it will be Megumi who will say, “What about Hime?”. My guess is that Hime is most likely probably going to runaway before Megumi or Yuuko has the chance to say it, but man, it’s going to be an emotional episode next week! I look forward to it!


Blogging Anime since Summer 2009, & Founder of AngryAnimeBitches Anime Blog ...I may or may not be addicted to writing

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Wanderer

    Dammit Iona, that was cold. And hypocrtical. You can’t go praising the value of teamwork while excluding one of the members of the team.
    Also, if Hime did open the Axia box, has it occurred to you that she’s already paid the price for it many times over? HER ENTIRE WORLD was overrun: her family, her home, everyone and everything she knew has been lost because of her mistake. Moreover, she is doing everything in her power to try to set things right, and you cannot reasonably expect anything more from anyone. Do you think she wanted your sister to be lost? Do you think she wanted ANYONE to be lost? Your anger is focused at the wrong target, girl.

    1. Eva

      THIS! Ugh, it was just so horrible to watch. I don’t want to hate Iona, but I’m going to have a hard time liking her for a while until she acknowledges how horrible that was, and apologizes for her shit. Hopefully it will be resolved quickly.
      But man, wouldn’t it be horrible if Hime was tricked into opening the Axia box by the Dark Mirror?

  2. dirtyoldgaijin

    Wouldn’t be surprised if hime saves the day for Fortuna next week.

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