A/N: Sorry for the delay, wanted to get it out last night but a major storm happened and I lost power ever since.

It was exactly five minutes into the episode when I realized this was going to another one of those stupid episodes. And sure enough it was, but at each passing moment, it felt like it was just getting worse and worse, and worse. By the time we reached the fifteen minute mark, I was so done, 100000% done with this episode- and much to my dismay, this god damn fight is not over yet. We still have another episode of this shit. And frankly, I hardly expect any improvements, if anything it’s going to be corny as Yuuya has finally identified a familiar feeling he has experienced during the days he was trying to find his own identity and deal with the disappearance of his father. I just hope they actually make a believable backstory, because everything that took place today was not convincing whatsoever.

On a total random note: Jack looks really handsome here

Red flags began popping up the second we heard the explanation of why Jack came to the Fusion World.
The Crow’s kids told him to leave rebuilding the city to ‘them’ (hopefully it was meant to be referring to the citizens,  otherwise that would be the dumbest thing I ever heard) and help save the world! Regardless what they meant by that, I still face-palmed. They also conveniently left out how he was able to use the Dimension Traveling Device, as I think Reiji would have mentioned Jack was with them had he jumped in at the same time.

The second red flag was when battle Beast had this dumbfounded look on his face upon Jack’s arrival. My guess he never seen a D-Wheel before. It was funny for a moment, but then this happened: Suddenly, Counter Traps are considered ‘new’ to Academia folks.

Wait… What?
You expect me to believe, ACADEMIA, OF ALL ORGANIZATIONS, THE ONE WHO IS TRYING TO MERGE ALL THE REALM- DOES NOT KNOW ABOUT A TRAP THAT CAN BE ACTIVATED ON THE TURN IT’S SET?! THAT MAKES NO SENSE. THEY AREN’T NEW LIKE PENDULUM SUMMONING!!! When I realized the writers decided to dumb down both Battle Beast and Instructor Sanders, followed by Battle Beast tilting once Superior Sanders joined the fight, that’s when I knew for certain: This was going to be a dumb episode.
And they weren’t just about to stop there!

Battle Beast begins acting weird, and Yuuya senses it- BUT, before we get into that- the writers, decided, “OH, LET’S THROW IN YUUYA’S DELIMINA ABOUT HIS ROLE IN REVIVAL ZERO, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIGHT.”

ygo-arc-v-ep-121-img-0007Dear Writers, what the hell were you thinking?! Why now?! WHY IN THIS VERY FIGHT MUST YOU MAKE HIM DO THAT? There is a time and place to do it, BUT THIS IS NOT THE TIME AND PLACE! Oh my god, this is such an important and relevant plot subject to be addressed, but episode was already so so so stupid, I just wished they didn’t make Yuuya daze out in a middle of the fight like that only to have a very serious discussion with Yuuto about the matter- like no. NO. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! Hell, they even had Jack call him out on it because they knew someone had to call him out on this bullshit. I don’t care that Instructor Sanders was having a bitchfit at Battle Beast while Yuuya and Yuuto were talking, it simply not the time and place to do it, because it is a serious topic that needs to be discussed in the appropriate circumstances. The problem however, is the fact it appears to not be a priority for the writers to create such time and place for them to do so. These kinds of things make me want to cry because I do love this series so much but they are rushing so much it’s killing me inside.

Finally, they go back to Yuuya identifying the familiar feeling he got from observing Battle Beast earlier.  As mentioned in the beginning, he was able to connect with the familiarity of the isolation and loneliness, and the struggle for self identity.
What follows could be seen from miles away. It was so freaking obvious. Battle Beast then attacks Superior Lancer after he is threatened to be Carded- and before we can see him attempt to card the instructor…
The episode ends there.


I really don’t want to go through another episode of this fight. I really, really really don’t. I just want it done and overwith. PLEASE, I AM BEGGING YOU. Also since they added add Jack into this fight, can they at least make it epic? Otherwise what’s the point? For god sake, Gongenzaka could have done just as much!

I think one of the other saddest things about this episode was the debut of a new track. Or at least I think it’s new because I don’t remember hearing it before- or maybe it was because it was the only thing I liked in the episode. Man what a shame this track was debuted in such a crappy episode and circumstances, because it’s a wonderful track, gorgeous music.

Oh and did you guys hear about the 6th Opening Theme Song coming up? I hope it’s good! I look forward to what will be featured in it!!!


Blogging Anime since Summer 2009, & Founder of AngryAnimeBitches Anime Blog ...I may or may not be addicted to writing

This Post Has 36 Comments

  1. marsh381

    To be fair though, its not the fact that its a counter-trap (because as you know traps regardless can’t be activated the turn they’re set), its the fact that it was activated on the same turn it was set. While not unheard of, there’s only like a few cards I can think of on one hand that actually do that. So I wouldn’t hold that against the episode because frankly, those type of traps aren’t really played that much, and even the most Meta of players would do a “Huh?” if an opponent did that.

    1. Wilfredo Sifr Starduster

      Jack: Oh the rules say you can’t activate a Trap during the turn it’s set? Well FUCK YOU!

    2. Eva

      I suppose it’s because I figured Academia would have enough researchers/moles to dig up on it. Much like the Pendulum Summon, which was virtually brand new, they got all the intel on it so that’s why it’s hard for me to believe they wouldn’t have intel on that type of trap.

  2. Wilfredo Sifr Starduster

    Za Kingu returns to avenge Bird Jesus and Synchros show their Contact Fusion Granddaddy who’s the boss.
    It’s time to welcome the return of ZA KINGU!!! Synchro VS Contact Fusion! Grandchild VS Granddaddy! The Wheel of Fortune is turning! Heaven or Shadow (Purple) Realm? LET’S DUEL!!!
    • Time really flows fast as we are only one month away for a new opening don’t we? I love AND I will miss this one.
    • Jack must’ve been influenced by Yugo (or vice versa?) because he also rides his Wheel of Fortune… LIKE A KING! LOVE HOW HE IS RIDING ON WALLS BECAUSE FUCK PHYSICS!!! XD
    • Yuya used all his plot armour, so Jack needed to intervene. :p
    • I’ll say it again, BULL-FUCKING-SHIT!! You don’t just completely rid the City of Class Warfare in FIVE minutes after ONE single card game! >_>
    • Oh sure… Those children can totally defend this dimension with ENJOY Chojiro & Dr. Bees a.k.a. SHINJI “wannabe revolutionist” WEBER… Right, Professor? -_-”
    • Those children and Crow sure have Bonds Beyond Time and Space. I love it! 😀
    • WAIT A MINUTE! If Jack assisting the Lancers was NOT part of Reiji’s keikaku, then HOW THE FUCK DID HE ENTERED THE FUSION DIMENSION?!! I’m calling it, this time it’s Jack pulling a Yusei and do the dimension/time hopping with Crimson Dragon… (Dear writers, please don’t tease us with that brief cameo of Crimson Dragon back in episode 97…)
    • ZA KINGU IS PISSED AT CROW’S DEMISE! Oh Battle Beast, be prepared to GET FUCKED…
    • Y’know Sanders, I think you trained Battle Beast a little TOO well. Yes, he IS skilled, but if he’s the Academia’s strongest duelist (which is bullshit) then the rest of the Academia must be super weak. :p
    • Cross Dimension Tag Team Time!
    • Oh, the rules say you can’t activate a Trap during the turn it’s set? Well Jack says FUCK YOU! To be honest though, I REALLY want Konami to print Red Vanish, its effect is really nifty.
    • I’m forever awed at Scarlight’s persistence to remain on the field. Does that dragon ever fucking die?
    • CALLED IT! That Trap is going to be a double-edged sword that leads to the Battle Beast’s downfall.
    • Battle Beast is LUCKY AS HELL. If Red Wolf didn’t have the drawback of preventing Scarlight from attacking the turn it was Special summoned (anime effect), Jack would’ve one-shot him by now.
    • Sanders is mad that his Fusion Revolution isn’t going as planned. The LDF were interfering.
    • Sanders joins the Elect- I mean Duel. AND the stupid penalty intrusion is forever justified. -_-”
    • Of course the Teacher has his “Test” Monsters. And Sanders’ Fusion Pose is on point.
    • Between Test Fusion and Tamer Editor, being able to summon those already spammable Fusions and fucking the summoning conditions is TOO broken… Please don’t become real.
    • Well, I guess the Professor gave no fucks about the 4 Yutagonists considering he didn’t get Yugo carded and told Sanders to “Kill the Lancers (minus Reiji)… Especially Sakaki Yuya. Fuck that guy!”
    • Yuya… Hey, you in there? It’s not your turn, but you’re about to GET FUCKED if you don’t wake up!
    • Battle Beast, has your Devour Hour finished…? Or could this be the work of an enemy Stand…?!
    • I’ve noticed this throughout the episode but there are some really horrible animations this week.
    • Sanders, stop badmouthing the Battle Beast. You don’t want to get carded by him, do you?
    • “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN” from Sanders? Not only did he steal THE MAN’s drawing pose, he even stole Yuya’s catchphrase! As the chief instructor of the Academia, you should be ashamed!
    • I’ve been thinking about this whole Yutagonist thing for 121 episodes and I still can’t find the answer.
    • Yuya, when are you going to go Berserk again? To be honest, you should’ve snapped into that when Tsukikage and Crow got carded in the last few episodes. WAIT! HOLD THE FUCK UP! Did you seriously forget EVERYTHING that’s been happening for the past 30 minutes?!! >_>
    • Yuto, if you want to be relevant for the show again, JUST SEPARATE FROM YUYA ALREADY!!!
    • Yuya, could you make that move any more shit? At this rate you should sign your own death warrant.
    • ONCE AGAIN, it’s painfully easy to notice that whenever Yuya summons or does something, the animation budget drops into a Bottomless Trap Hole unless he goes Berserk, but when Jack does ANYTHING the budget blazes to high heaven.
    • DAMN IT THIS CARD HAS A LOT OF TEXT WTF?!! Okay fuck you… This new support for Gladiator Beasts sounds super fucking broken & SITUATIONAL to the point it makes ZERO sense.
    • Dat Face… The Battle Beast is totally going to card Sanders, isn’t he?

  3. aramire77

    Don’t worry. The next episode is the end of the Duel against BB, and finally the plot will move again and soon the mysteries about the four dimensions, Yuya and Yuzu and their counterparts, all will be revealed in a few weeks 😀

    1. Eva

      Thank god ~_____~ I still can’t believe this has been going on for three and a half episodes.

    2. Firestorm

      I like these three episode because I like when character play meta deck ^^.

  4. Firestorm

    Eva, i think you didn’t understand about the trap. I play often yugioh in competition and I see a lot of card and a trap that can be activate the turn is set didn’t exist until now

    1. Eva

      I don’t play the game, but I thought (based on YGOwikia) it might have been a new Speed Spell, Counter Trap Card. I may have misunderstood it though.
      But if it is brand new as you say it could be, then that makes it an asspull now doesn’t it? It certainly doesn’t make it better, possibly worse… 🙁

      1. marsh381

        To clarify its not a brand new thing. I think they’ve started appearing in the TCG around the Zexal series. One that comes to mind is a card I use to run all the time, Dimensional Slice. It lets you activate it on the turn you set it if you XYZ summoned on that turn. They’re rare, but they’ve been around for a while.

        1. marsh381

          So I did some research and can only find 2 cards that act like that. While there’s multiple monsters that allow you to activate traps from the hand, there’s only 2 (apparently) traps that activate on the turn they’re set. 1st is Dimension Slice (introduced in Zexal), and another is a more recent one, The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine.

          1. Firestorm

            Oh you are right, i totaly forgot about the phantom knight trap, i thought it can be activate from hand like black sonic or delta crow anti reverse ( I really would like crow play these card again) but it’s still rare

  5. elior1

    eva in case you dont know there was anoucment about 122 sub. here it is: With no raw to work with, it’s impossible to actually work on the episode let alone release It is unknown what will happen to 123 or 124. so the subs might take a while and what a shame just when we getting to the good moments after the battle beast fight

    1. Eva

      I heard there’s some RAW Encoding Problems, so I am aware there will be a major delay. I don’t think we will have to worry too much about 123 & 124 – the subbers may just leap forward to sub those until 122 Encoding problems are resolved in order not to fall behind. However I know for myself since i can’t follow the RAWS I will have to wait and the entries will be inevitably delayed.

  6. Becs

    Yeah this episode was mostly uninteresting. I liked that they at least SHOWED why Jack was in the fusion dimension unlike with Kaito. but yeah problematic like you say.
    And yeah, that serious conversation Yuya had with Yuto was VERY out of place. It definitely felt like they were trying to squeeze the plot into this pointless duel. I was like ‘Uh, that’s great and all that you’re deciding to find out more about this but there is a TIME AND PLACE!’ and Jack rightly shouted at him for it.
    I am kind of tired of seeing parallels to Yuya’s past self before he developed and how he shows how he’s overcome them. I mean i get its sort of symbolic but we already had that with the EVEN MORE POINTLESS duel with Kachidoki!
    I too hope it only lasts for half the next episode at best (the most i’ll tolerate). I really want the plot to be moving along, say what you want about the Xyz dimension but at least it felt like there was more conflict in that intermission dimension.
    Also want to see Selena, Yuzu and that!

    1. Wilfredo Sifr Starduster

      “I liked that they at least SHOWED why Jack was in the fusion dimension unlike with Kaito.”
      As much as I hate Arc V Kaito, I’m afraid you’re seriously misinformed. Kaito did arrive at the Fusion Dimension after the absurd ending of the Heartland arc along with Yuya and co. via a trans-dimensional transporter, but JACK, he just suddenly rammed into the place without any info on how did he even arrive there.
      “Also want to see Selena, Yuzu and that!”
      Serena, YES, but Yuzu, nah I don’t want her to zap away all four Yutagonists anymore! We’ve seen ENOUGH of her bracelet doing stuff so just let other bracelet girls show what their bracelets can really do already!

  7. Yugioh Fan

    Wow Eva you really went in for this one, I mean I suspect you’d have a problem with them try to redeem BB after what he did to Moon Shadow(Tsikikage) and Crow, but I didn’t think more plot information and Jack being a bad ass like always, would get to you. However, you are allowed to think your own opinion, and I’m not going to try and change your opinions because that’s not right, I’m just going to express my own views on the episode in order to compare it with yours so that we both can have a better understanding of the episode.
    While the episode wasn’t 100% good and I think this duel with BB has definitely gone on long enough it still had it’s good points. Jack being a bad ass being one, the duel was interesting and now the plot has thickened with Sanders revelation. So the Professor wants Yuya taken down, which must mean he fears all 4 Yu boys becoming one like what was going down in episode 92. Yet despite that Rin did not card Yugo after beating him, does that mean Rin still had some control to save Yugo, or did the Doctor not have her do it on purpose because he secretly plans to betray the Professor. Many new questions and theory’s have come into play thanks to this episode.
    Now about Yuya trying to redeem BB, while I don’t like it (just like what they did with all the Academy students back in Heartland, during episode 112) I can still understand their view point. Looking at Sora, Celina(Serena), Alexis and Aster(Edo) as prime examples most of Duel Academy students are not bad, they honestly believe what there doing is right, I mean we saw how hard it was for Sora to turn his back on the Professor during the Synchro Arc and Aster(Edo) inner struggle during the Xyz Arc, so I believe that most of the students are not bad people, just the Professor has screwed them up so badly they don’t know any better, so once they find out the truth it’s believable they’d leave. Of course, redeem BB might be a bit of a stretch. But in the end I think that’s Arc V’s message, forgiveness, as Yuya and Yuto said back in episode 112 the war will never end by just fighting cause that cause more hatred, instead they must forgive there enemies and get them to see the error of there ways and lay down there weapons peacefully.
    Great Blog like always Eva, keep up the good work and don’t feel bad about the delays as long as there up eventually so we the fans can read them we don’t mind(at least I don’t, I can’t speak for others).

    1. Eva

      Hahaha yeah I may have ripped into this one a tad too brutally, but I would be lying if I had anything good to say about it. Needless to say it’s not easy to write up what you know will be likely be an unpopular opinion. xD I get anxious about it every time, but I still go along with it.
      It was pretty bad for me since all I could think was, “this is stupid, can this episode finish already?” which much set it into stone of what the tone of my thoughts were going to be like. I think my patience tends to run a lot thinner after covering a show for a year or longer- especially when I know they can have an amazing script thanks to the successes earlier in the series. My patience definitely took a hit when they dragged out the Synchro Realm arc, so it’s an understatement to say I am walking on a thin line. That being said though, I do wonder sometimes if I wouldn’t be as harsh to these type of episodes if I weren’t covering it.
      I am a bit wary of which direction they are going to take BB, and am curious to what kind of fate is in store for him. I am enjoying him as a villain and the challenge he has brought along with him, especially after the Tyler Sisters have flipped so soon. I just hope the same won’t happen to him, a part of me is thinking it would be better if he just say, “F this im just gonna roam the world and forge my own identity” or something like that- as oppose to becoming allies with Yuuya and the others. I think Yuuya mustering up the courage to forgive him and try and provide him a sense of direction will definitely play a part in that.
      <3 And Thanks a bunch! That's always meaningful to hear!

      1. aramire77

        I understand how you feel. I think in Standard and Synchro Dimensions arc there are some Duels that could have been and was better finished in one episode, but were dragged to two episodes, and there’s also some episodes that’s not really necessary since it has little to no relation to the plot or character growth.
        In Xyz Dimension arc, things started to look better, especially with the appearance of Edo and Tyler Sisters as antagonists (I love the sisters in particular), I think they are excellent characters. Unfortunately, the writers just need to rush things and in just a few episodes made them good guys and then the Sisters were tossed aside. To make thins worse, not only them, the other Academia students were also converted simply from Edo’s speech. If they witness Yuya’s Entertainment Duel directly and then switch sides, at the very least I can tolerate that.
        Now with the current Fusion Dimension Arc, so far I have mixed feelings. So far the only episodes I enjoyed in this arc is Yuya vs. Isao, Yugo vs. Rin, and Shun vs. Ruri. The rest is not so good.

        1. Eva

          Yeah this “blitz into Academia” strategy is probably going to be a short arc as well with the new OP coming around to enter the final stage.
          Btw (this is off-topic) I got your email, I just wanted to let you know you should redirect your question to the FAQ Page (where the comment section has finally been recovered) so that all of our writers can see it. 🙂

          1. aramire77

            Oh, okay. Sorry and thank you 😀

          2. elior1

            eva without spoil to you the next episode will be worse then that and i sure once you will do the review you will agree the last part of the episode is the only enjoyable part

    2. aramire77

      I get what you’re saying. I think the theme of this arc, as you said, is forgiveness. I totally agree that forgiveness is the only way to truly end any conflict. While I got the message and it’s a good one, I think the way it’s trying to convey the message is not so good. When Yuya Duel Tyler Sisters and Edo, I don’t mind with his Entertainment Duels since they were properly done, but I can’t say the same for BB because mainly it’s being dragged too long and Yuya’s decision to try to reach out to him feels too abrupt (in my opinion).
      And I totally agree that most of students are not bad people, they are simply do what they were taught. Studying at Academia since their preadolescence years and not allowed to leave until Arc Area Project is finished while only being taught that Duel is a symbol of strength and battle, it’s not strange that Entertainment Duel and such is so alien to them.

      1. Yugioh Fan

        Yeah I know hat you mean, I feel this duel against BB should have ended by now, I thought once Jack arrived in episode 120 it would end next episode but it didn’t. That’s Arc V’s main problem it’s pacing, I liked the Synchro arc but it was too long and Xyz was too short, I mean I predicted it would be short because of how destroyed Heartland was and how few people there were for Yuya and the Lancers to interact with, but even then I though the arc would at least be 15 to 20 episodes but it was just 13.
        P.S. Thanks for responded to my comment it’s always nice to hear the different views from fellow fans of the Yugioh series.

        1. elior1

          dont worry the next episodes after BB dual will be much more intresting

          1. Yugioh Fan

            I know, I read the spoilers, while I won’t talk about them hear, so I won’t spoil Eva and the others who don’t want to know whats coming up, I will say after reading them I’m hype for whats to come in the next few episodes after the duel with BB.

  8. aramire77

    Has Monosibs upload the translated episode 122 yet? Or there’ still problem with the Encoding? Sorry but to be honest, after watching today’s episode, I really want you to finish your review for episode 122 already and quickly write review for episode 123. I won’t spoil anything about today’s episode since you don’t like spoiler, but I think you’re going to like this week’s episode (I personally think this is the best episode after the previous ones since Yuya arrived in Fusion Dimension) 😀

    1. Eva

      Sorry MonoSubs hasn’t released Ep 122 yet. If we’re lucky I can do a double post on it (Ep 122 & 123), if not, it looks like I’ll be falling at least a week behind until they catch up. There have been some 480pi RAWS being offered to them, so we just have to wait and see if anything come out within the next few days.

      1. elior1

        they said in their twiter they will try to sub those episodes WITH 480P raws becouse LQ is better then nothing

      2. elior1

        eva are you going to double review both episodes? there is decent subs right now

        1. Eva

          Yes I will be doing a double review. Can you let me know of the Sub group? There is one I am deliberately avoiding because I know the quality isn’t up to par to MonoSubs, but if it’s different group with decent subs I might use it.
          However even though there are Subs available, I can’t do it right now because I am busy doing shifts of watching over of my grandfather in the hospital as well as my grandmother.

          1. aramire77

            I think the subtitle is from the ones active posting in Neo Ark Cradle website.

            1. elior1

              you mean they are the ones who sub those episodes with those subs that almost cover the lower version of the video

          2. elior1

            the quialty is good the subs are a bit too big but it fine as for the group i not sure who is it i watched it in one of the normal sites. meybe you can find out if this is the same group you avoiding by look at this

  9. elior1

    eva it seems they subbed 122 123 and 124 in the same week with good subs

  10. elior1

    eva update from monosubs. he subbing episode 122 and 124 right now but 123 will be subbed in Friday is this mean you will do review for alll 3 episodes or for now double review for 122 and 124?

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