RIP to the “Ass fuckin'” line from the manga translation.

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You know, when someone has experienced something more than you, you should probably listen to them? Because they know what they’re talking about. Jotaro almost got his teenage ass killed a bunch of times traveling to Egypt, meeting a myriad of Stand users, so of course he knows what the hell he’s talking about. It wasn’t that he was underestimating Koichi, but that he knew if Koichi did something dumb like go after Kira, then something bad would happen. And something bad did happen. Thanks, Koichi. >:/

[HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Diamond is Unbreakable - 23 [1080p].mkv0022Here I go again with Jotaro’s growth, but yeah here I am. It’s so nice to see Jotaro’s attitude change. He’s experienced a lot in his life, more than he should have, and when it comes to dealing with dangerous Stands, he knows what he should do. He’s a lot smarter now. Not to say when he was 17 he was dumb, but he was ignorant, but that’s because at that time he barely discovered Star Platinum and was still new to all Stands. Now all these years later, he knows how to deal with these kinds of situations, and he’s not as rash as he used to be. He assesses the situation, observes, listens, thinks, and remains calm…although that part really isn’t that different. He’s just very mature and smart now, and I love that. I love him…I…love….him….

[HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Diamond is Unbreakable - 23 [1080p].mkv0025Anyway, but because Koichi has a teenage ego and is still dumb, he gets a little frustrated and doesn’t listen or believe when Jotaro tells him that the Stand user is far away from them. Koichi sends out Echoes to look for Kira, and when he does, of course Kira is far away and he realizes that Jotaro was right all along, with everything. So he screws up, and he causes Jotaro to save him, who in turn also gets himself hurt in the explosion. Jotaro was able to figure out that Sheer Heart Attack is an independant Stand that follows whatever has the higher temperature. So Koichi drags Jotaro’s unconscious body out and turns on lights, and whatever produces heat. He has a little freak out, but he gets all badass all of a sudden and actually thinks. He uses Echoes Act 2 to write the word “sizzle” on Sheer Heart Attack, which made it follow it in a dumb way. Koichi used a good comparison and described it like a donkey following a carrot on a rope. He uses this chance to use the phone and call Josuke, but there’s a problem where the call keeps cutting out and Josuke can only understand only a little bit of what Koichi said.

But of course he’s not safe forever. Koichi accidentally kept the stove on and the kitchen got too hot. So again this causes an explosion with Sheer Heart Attack. Koichi and Jotaro are forced outside, and Echoes tail letters were caught in the explosion so Koichi got hurt. Koichi tries to send out Echoes Act 2 again, but when he turns around he only sees its shell shed. And that’s when second best Stand in Part 4 appears.

[HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Diamond is Unbreakable - 23 [1080p].mkv0062Echoes Act 3. Mission fucking accomplished. Echoes Act 3 is an interesting Stand, because so far this is the only Stand that can actually speak and have its own personality. And he can be hilarious and I hope the anime shows that side of it in the next episode and future ones. Koichi, kindly, orders it to protect him, and he pulls off a stunning move, but Koichi is disappointed when Act 3 just gets flung back. But then something interesting happens when Sheer Heart Attack. It stops moving and gets forced into the ground, so much that it causes the ground underneath it to create a crater. Back with Kira, he was enjoying his time at a cafe, but after Sheer Heart Attack stopped moving, his left hand suddenly got extremely heavy. Heavy enough that his hand broke his tea cup, and then broke the table he was at. He can barely even move because of the sudden weight.

And now because he knows something is seriously going on with Sheer Heart Attack, he decides that he has to go back to the shoe store. But that means he’ll risk revealing his face to the people after him! Well, won’t that just make things more interesting?

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Unfortunately still a weeb