I’m still not sure what to make of this show. I don’t hate but I don’t love it either. I’m can’t tell if I’m enjoying this show or not. At then end of the episode I feel the same as I did before I even started watching it. It’s just….something isn’t working for me. Most likely the comedy, but something else and I don’t know what it is.

[HorribleSubs] Handa-kun - 02 [1080p].mkv0005The episode is split into three parts, and next week’s will be the same. The first part was the conclusion of the story we got last time, which was the love letter. Handa arrives and Meiko is about to give him the letter but her friend keeps slapping it out and then she just wrestles her to the ground and Handa is standing there not knowing what’s going on. He leaves, she tries to give him the letter again, but he says her writing is ugly and then she cries. But Handa said something where friends are important and then the girls make up and they continue to be friends.

Getting introduced to the Handa Force in the first episode, we’re slowly meeting them one by one and learning why they admire Handa so much that they would make their own fanclub. We met Aizawa and Reo, the glasses guy and the hot guy. With Aizawa, there was that moment where they voted for the class president and somehow Handa was nominated while he was dozing off. He tries his best to not stand out, which reminded me of last season’s Tanaka-kun, so he’s upset he was nominated. When the votes are tallied, it’s a tie. Aizawa was always a class leader for his classes for years, so when he was “fighting” with Handa he was freaking out. To break the tie they play rock-paper-scissors and Handa outright tells Aizawa he’s going to use rock, but he thinks he’s tricking him and he ends up using scissors. This happens again and Handa just says he’ll step down. But then this causes Aizawa to think that he was doing it because he felt bad for him or something, and worse comes to worse and Handa is chosen as president and Aizawa vice-president.

Then with Reo, the model, he’s challenged when the girls in his class are always mentioning Handa. They say there’s more to men than just looks and Handa has that, even though they don’t really know what. Reo follows Handa after school to catch his secrets but he doesn’t really get anything. But then he admires Handa when he turned down a model agent and put the jacket onto Reo, but he only did that because he saw that his clothes were dirty, he actually didn’t know what was going on. So we have two members of the Force checked off.

[HorribleSubs] Handa-kun - 02 [1080p].mkv0026This episode was fine to watch, I suppose. Again, I didn’t really find it funny though and that’s the problem. This is a comedy but it’s not making me laugh. I giggle here and there but I don’t really find this show that funny at all. Sure, seeing the x=12 still on the board made me laugh, and seeing his cat allergy spark up again made me smile. The whole thing with Handa misunderstanding things, and the others misunderstanding him because frankly he doesn’t give a crap about any of them, is getting old already. There’s nothing clever about the jokes, the characters are copy paste of tropes, and I’m just not attached or anything. I’m not sure, this anime isn’t doing anything for me.

I’m going to give this show one more episode. I’ll see if next week’s episode will change anything for me, but if it doesn’t I’m just going to drop it. I’ll keep watching (I don’t know for how long) but I’ll just drop the coverage. I’ve been getting more and more impatient with anime recently and when I find something I’m not really enjoying, I just stop watching it. Diomedea, kill this curse of yours and make good shows!



Unfortunately still a weeb