Mouretsu Pirates Episode 4: The Crazy Yacht Club

Well, looks like the yacht club isn’t over yet when it comes to having problems arising on this cruise… This week, a ship just so happens to be targeting them!! Oh wow, what a surprise! I mean, they hinted that fact for 2 episodes already but I totally didn’t see it coming!/sarcasm.

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Kimi ni Todoke Season 2 Episode 4: Come on, Kazehaya, be a better guy… Please…?

I should stop ranting about this guy. I really should. But I can't help myself when I witness his FAILURE as a Romance Show character.

Following last week’s confrontation, we come back this episode to learn that we never actually see what the guys talked about HMPF. So unfair (more…)

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Yumekui Merry Episode 4: Kids, Don't Talk to Strangers! Even When they Come to You With Text Messages…

Following last week’s conversation between Merry and Yumeji (Yumeji wanted to help Merry into going back to the dream world), we learn that once a Dream Demon has taken over a vessel, it’s too late that’s probably some reaaaally important info right there o: (more…)

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Note: Due to some late notice plans, Oki will not be covering Gosick this week. Please bear with my writing for this week, although I don’t believe it is horrible enough for it to be despised completely If you do I don’t give a damn anyways.

I have a pipe. Therefore, I am a detective and I solve murdahhhs.

Damn, talk about an amazing way to start an episode. (more…)