In/Spectre Episode 6 + 7 – Steel Beam Nanase Cont’d
ooo, when did Kotoko and Kuro get so cozy together? They were so natural this episode. I loved it. I like that Kotoko is so comfortable around Kuro that she…
ooo, when did Kotoko and Kuro get so cozy together? They were so natural this episode. I loved it. I like that Kotoko is so comfortable around Kuro that she…
Oh, I guess Hanako can eat donuts because he didn't turn them away. Still, he didn't even get to eat them in the end. T_T I liked this episode but…
This was another episode of worldbuilding, but it was mostly an episode to set things up for whatever is coming next. We got to say goodbye to both Haitora and…
I'M SO STRESSED. WILL IT MAKE IT IN???? AHHH! I’m not going to lie, I was really worried when I watched the first few minutes of the episode and it was…
OooooOOO. There is nothing quite like watching a cocky villain get absolutely beaten to the point where he is running and crying and then in the fetal position, before bowing…
While Yashiro didn't find Hanako's book, she did learn a huge thing about Hanako. We still haven't gotten clear answers yet, but we can kind of piece together what maybe…
Yup, it's official. Reo is best girl. She gets to be the featured image again because she's just so good. Looks like I'm a Reo stan too. Not on Kumasa's…
These two episodes took this show for a very dark turn, darker than I would have imagined. The show so far has been so wholesome and pure that I forgot…
We FINALLY get to address the conflict between Momoharu and Konishi and I'm so excited about it!! I know in my last entry I said that it was kind of…
I actually enjoyed this episode more than the others. I was actually dying during the last few episodes and I didn't want to watch the show XD Maybe because I…