Yumekui Merry Episode 4: Kids, Don't Talk to Strangers! Even When they Come to You With Text Messages…

Following last week’s conversation between Merry and Yumeji (Yumeji wanted to help Merry into going back to the dream world), we learn that once a Dream Demon has taken over a vessel, it’s too late that’s probably some reaaaally important info right there o: (more…)

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Note: Due to some late notice plans, Oki will not be covering Gosick this week. Please bear with my writing for this week, although I don’t believe it is horrible enough for it to be despised completely If you do I don’t give a damn anyways.

I have a pipe. Therefore, I am a detective and I solve murdahhhs.

Damn, talk about an amazing way to start an episode. (more…)


Beelzebub Episode 3: Plan "Get rid of Baby Beel" #1 = FAIL.

...be patient, Oga. Very, very, very, very, VERY patient.

Well, we start off the episode once again in humour as we meet our “not-so-small” cute little baby, who really isn’t that small, in fact he’s grown to be a gigantic dragon and no one accepts him he might not look like a baby anymore but I still feel sad for him D:. Of course, as we all pretty much guessed since Baby Beel can’t be anything else but our little naked cutie-pie he was last episode, it was all Oga’s dream and our favourite Demon Baby is still a baby. Right before the opening, a narrator pops in and explains the basic storyline of the show which means I probably could’ve skipped the first 2 episodes right away… Meh. (more…)

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Kimi ni Todoke Season 2 Episode 2: 'Tis a New Year For Our Lovely Cutie Pie :3

Wanna know something interesting? It is the second year of our friend Sawako on this second episode of this second season I know, it’s lame but I thought I should mention it.

D'Awwwwwww ^.^ Sawako you're so pretty and adorable! I wish I could have her as my little sister ^.^

P.S.: Please excuse my abuse of strikeouts in this post Then again, I really don’t care… (more…)


Beelzebub Episode 2: Atomic baby bomb

Oga has to take care of a baby that will destroy humankind when he grows up, and this week we learn that Baby Beel is even more of a pain in the ass to take care of than I thought at first which is pretty damn impressive. The baby is literally an atomic bomb when he cries. Yet, I can’t help but find him extremely cute.

Why is this baby still naked? I wish they'd give him clothes D: Poor lil' Baby Beel must be cold...


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Yumekui Merry Episode 2:*nomnomnom* Donuts!!!!

Following Merry’s collapse last episode, Yumeji brought her to Isana’s place where she could be taken care of. While Merry is slowly getting used to her new place of living, the scene changes to another girl who seems to be talking to an invisible person. (more…)

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Kimi ni Todoke Season 2 Episode 1 [First Impression]: Giri… Honmei… I have to give… *HIDES*

It is Valentine’s day once again in Japan with all the shoujo animes and mangas it’s probably Valentine’s day 20 times a year, and Sawako gives chocolates to her friends and family. The whole rest of the episode is all about her trying to give her last bag of chocolates to Kazehaya.

It is ZEE bag. Who'd have thought an episode could go around such an item for the whole half hour?
