Bleach 317 : A new Beginning


A month as pass since Aizen’s fall, things were going back to normal in sereitei, but suddenly something strange happened with the precipice world. Mayuri and Kenpachi were sent to investigate, but they never returned.


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One Piece Episode 493: Flashbacks Pt. 1

Before I start talking about anything else… WOOOOOOOH!!! NEW OPENING, FUCK YEAH!!!!! Not that I didn’t like last opening I was actually really impressed by it and loved how much it fit with the arc’s mood, however i was getting annoyed with it since it had been there for a while.
The opening itself was quite similar to the other ones, meaning: I loved the song and the animation, the opening was really well done, however it’s once again really long. Apart from that, I’m glad Luffy’s nakama are shown profusely, that means we’ll probably get to see them again and I really want them to have some screen time once again because they’re freakin’ awesome :). (more…)

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Toriko Episode 1 [First Impression]: A Crossover with One Piece? I'm In.

Alright, let’s get this started. In order to promote the show Toriko that just came out this season, Toei Animation had the amazing idea of making a crossover with One Piece, since both shows are pretty similar and they wanted all the One Piece fans to start liking Toriko as well I totally fell into their trap but I really don’t care 😀. Please note, this also counts as Episode 492 of One Piece, as well as episode 1 from Toriko You see, both shows air one after the other so they just took that airing time and made it into an hour long special… These guys know how to organize their shi’.


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The World Only God II Episode 1: Get Ready for Some More Cute Rants!

Now, if any of you have been following this blog, you may have noticed that everything is absolutely crazy and I am currently extremely late in basically all the series I’m blogging. Now why, must you ask, did I decide to take care of this show when the episode just came out, while all the others are already super late?
You see, from what I’ve seen of the Spring Season, so far it’s really traumatizing and nothing makes sense, this is even worse than I had expected at first. This show, however, is sure to be awesome, and so I basically decided to watch it and hopefully forget this trauma from watching disturbing shows this season especially the one involving a certain granny swinging her boobs around… I don’t think I’ll ever get over that... (more…)


Beelzebub Episode 11: Himekawa Fails

This week, as the Spring season is on a start, Beelzebub has decided to give us a new opening! To start off, let me mention that I found it much more enjoyable than the first one. I seriously hated the song for the first opening and always skipped it because it was so bad -_-‘. Anyways, animation-wise, the opening isn’t too impressive either, however there is one thing I found absolutely adorable, and that was Baby Beel’s booty shake: Oh. My. God. d’Awwwww ^.^ . Apart from that, the rest was ordinary, and here’s the video for it the booty shake is 58 seconds into the opening 🙂: (more…)

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