Sasami-san@Ganbaranai Episode 6: From Beyond the Grave
“Don’t come back from the dead and pretend like you’re a responsible mother after all this time!”
“Don’t come back from the dead and pretend like you’re a responsible mother after all this time!”
“The story of how Kenjirou tries to strengthen the power of friendship between Akane and the girls and how it ends up a total mess.”
“When it comes to our name we are famous in a manner of speaking. People call us…the Sibyl System.”
“This world must face destruction. It is your heart and your heart alone which transforms the Alone.”
“If I could have one wish, God, then I would wish to be human. Humans are stupid and weak…but so warm.”
“This is the true form of the Sibyl System! If we make this public…it’ll be the end of this country.”