Ojisan To Marshmallow Episode 3 [Weird…Train..Stuff…]
Well...it's been a whole week since we saw an episode about the creepy stalker girl liking the fat guy, so why not have another one? That being said, let's just…
Well...it's been a whole week since we saw an episode about the creepy stalker girl liking the fat guy, so why not have another one? That being said, let's just…
I'm sorry this is late, I had no idea this show was even out. Which is bad for me to say since I was really excited about this show. Well...this…
God...watching this show is...for lack of a better word...depressing. It's like watching a world slowly have all of the joy sucked out it so that something you once loved is…
Dimension W starts this week with the person I assume will always be my favorite character forever and that by the end of the series he will make me cry…
You know, I was really worried that this filler plot would get really really stupid. Well thank god that this fear was quelled....because now I know for a FACT that…
I will start off the bat by saying the largest issue I have with Active Raid is that the characters are almost a homogeneous being. While I enjoy every character…
This show has done something strange to me. I can honestly say, I've never laughed more at people getting killed then I have in this series. That sounds really strange…
You know, I'm actually glad that I picked up this series last season. If you haven't guessed by now with the choices I make when it comes to my series....…
Ah yes. Here we are for another short of the show where the hot girl likes the big fat guy who likes marshmallows. However, episode 2, we still don't really…
I don't know if it was supposed to be laugh out loud funny, but the fact that the tiny girl with a small voice that's super shy and innocent-looking...wants to…
I can always expect weird assassination attempts in this show. And of course it didn't work, of course Koro-sensei would detect the explosives. And of course he'd have to be…