Dimension High School – Episode 4 [Pride]
After defeating the Sphinx last episode, things seem to return to normal for our heroes. Though Midorigaoka is acting weird, he's demanding a Plectranthus amboinicus plant from the gardening club and…
After defeating the Sphinx last episode, things seem to return to normal for our heroes. Though Midorigaoka is acting weird, he's demanding a Plectranthus amboinicus plant from the gardening club and…
No no no no no! You can't end it like that! My heart dropped, please say it ain't so. Please don't tell me Ray is seriously the traitor. D: I…
We go from one band to another this episode, from HHW to Pastel Palettes! From the crazy to a more serious, but still cute, episode with our lovely rock idols.…
I don't know if the episode was confusing or if the subtitles I had weren't that great, but there were some things I didn't quite understand? It's stressful that there…
What better way to build up the tension than starting off the episode with the howling winds of an incoming storm? This is is only the very start of the…
Cursed sword plotlines in anime has been done before a lot, it's kind of cliche, but since this manga came out in the 60's I'm giving this trope a slide…
The best thing about this show is it manages to juggle it's comedy and it's heart-felt moments really well. It also has moments that catch you entirely by surprise, like…
You have got to be kidding me. It is impossible for me to express in words just how royally pissed off I am about this finale. UGH! Just when I…
Showing his resolve, Buccellati sends him and Prosciutto out of the driver's car like he said he would. With quick thinking, Pesci uses Beach Boys to hook Prosciutto's hand and…
In the wake of last weeks tragedy of the loss of Kikawada, Mizukami is determined to get him back by any means necessary. Even if that means dropping a rather…