Atri – My Dear Moments Ep 2
Not too much went on this episode, but at the very least they were able to establish bits of the island's lore, and explain some of the characters motivations and personalities.
Not too much went on this episode, but at the very least they were able to establish bits of the island's lore, and explain some of the characters motivations and personalities.
While I still am not fully swayed, I will say this episode did help allow me to sympathize with Abiko's situation a little more. It definitely makes sense why she…
This episode was ROUGH in more ways than one. I wasn't sure what I was expecting from the mangaka, but it definitely wasn't this. After the sudden declaration of wanting…
I am so excited for this season! After coming off of the final episode of season 4 of Demon Slayer, immediately going into a play that is centered around a…
It's time to take a look at the upcoming titles of interests for Summer 2024 Anime Season!
It's Saki birthday and the two were excited to celebrate it together until Hotaru learned there's a conflict in schedule.
So Saki has gotten permission from Hotaru to apply to her workplace...
We finally got to learn how Saki began his pursuit for love!
GO HOTARU GO! Everyone give this girl a round of applause for cutting straight to the point!
What a great episode! I was rather impressed how much was packed into it, and we got so much goodies to dig into it!
After being unable to spend time together on New Years eve, Hotaru and Saki pick-up where they left off for a New Years gathering with Hotaru's friends.
Whelp, looks like sifting through the snow and sitting out in the cold two hours every morning finally caught up to Saki!