The Apothecary Diaries S2 Ep 7 – 9
From solving the puzzle of the Shrine of Choosing, to solving the case about a curse...
From solving the puzzle of the Shrine of Choosing, to solving the case about a curse...
Hi everyone it's Berry! I know it's been a long time since I've been here but hello! Shadow is currently on a trip and can't make it for this week…
Thank goodness that they didn't show as many things going on at once and instead focused on half of the events that are currently happening. So let's talk about what's…
We're finally back after a few month's break and boy did they not hold back. So much is going on and after leaving all the confrontations on cliffhangers I was…
This week Maomao's investigating has led her to the smell that Shisui had mentioned about in the North side of the Inner Palace.
The caravan have arrived, but along with it carries unsuspecting dangers hidden in the merchandise.
The Apothecary Dairies is back and man, they were flying through this episode!
After several episodes of build up, I was really hoping this episode had some more action. And it did! ...At the very end. This season of Rezero definitely feels more…
Another pretty lowkey set up episode. Was kind of hoping things would pick up this episode since the last episode was also not very eventful, though that doesn't mean there…
After the insanity that we witnessed last episode, this one definitely was more of a build up for what is to come. I am legit shocked (once again) that Subaru…
This episode WAS A LOT. There are so many different things going on that it honestly makes my head spin a little. And they were all coming at a rapid…