Dog Days Ep 1: No this isn't War, it's Wipeout! [First Impression]

Meet Shinku. He is an international Britain student studying in Japan and is obsessed with athletics and hops off buildings like a cat. (more…)
I know why you’re here. Not to play catch up with me, certainly, but the first part of this post is a review of 11. Actually, I prefer it this way because 11 and 12 fit together as an amazing two parter and I think the review I’ve put together is great. So prepare, Zero and I welcome you to a show of moe, boobs, amazing mecha, character development and EVEN MORE CECILIA ALC- ouch. Sorry Zero. Anyway, Infinite Stratos concludes here!
[below the cut is a gallery of 100+ screenshots as a bonus- enjoy and feel free to use!]
The episode starts off as Grevil receives a menacing calls from his superior I believe it is his father, telling him to watch over his sister. He then has a final thought for “Jacqueline” whoever that is and the opening sequence takes over.
LOL Rua you poor innocent child, you have no idea how wrong that sounds. XD
Rua finds himself in a pinch (more…)
What’s Kuroneko’s real name? gasp That is the question we are confronted with as Kuroneko starts on her first year in the same high school as Kyousuke. (more…)
Clain finds himself stunned from shock as Phryne’s father reveals (more…)
It’s GET-TOGETHER TIME!!!! (more…)
After reciting with the class for the class place Nitori decides (more…)
Everyone went to the pool to enjoy a good day together, but the day turns out even more memorable than what It was first supposed to be.
I (more…)
Prince Baka seeks Yukitaka to crash at his place in order to hide from (more…)