Beelzebub Episodes 16 + 17: Filler Inferno
Alright, let’s start this! Sorry, sorry, sorry, this is incredibly late bows I apologize D: Forgive me, please!
Valkyria Chronicles 3 OVA Ep 1: Confusing, but still Enjoyable
In an alternative setting, an group known as The Nameless who are (more…)
The World Only God Knows Season 2 Episode 6: O____O I can't stop watching this…
Keima is back from the abyss!!!! And by who? Guess what? By the first girl he kissed way back in the first season. M’awww, isn’t that cute :3.
Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai Episodes 5 + 6: Where this is going, I dunno, but I'm sure to stay and find out…
I think it is a miracle. Episode 5 happens to not start with a fanservice scene everyone!! gasp WOOOOOOOOOHHHH!!!!
Yu Gi Oh 5Ds Ep 65: The Tablet that fell from Space
Hidan no Aria Episode 4 & 5: Unexpected Turn of Events
Sorry for the delay folks, if you have peeked at the Updates page, I’ve put up a notice for the last two weeks that I am sick. To those who were worried that I might have I dropped it, good news! I don’t plan to! yet
Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi episode 6: A + B = C ?
Yoshino has to go to a party where he will meet his new editor and the people in charge of transforming his manga into a tv show. But Yoshino has some love triangle problem in mind.
[C] The Money of Soul and Possibility Control episode 5: The man who owns Japan
Yoga suffer his first loss in a deal and he is worried of the consequences it will have on his life. Meanwhile we are shown the power of Mikuni’s influence in the real world.
AnoHana Episode 5: It's Complicated
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