Gosick Episode 19: Ohhh, now I get it!

Um… Alright. This starts off as we get an explanation of Victorique’s birth! She was born in a dark room on Christmas
Prepare to be introduced to the world of dicks and naked men. And a couple of naked ladies, too. But mostly naked men O_O. Please note: I couldn’t bring myself to take more screencaps than what was necessary… o.o
Wake up this morning, it’s cold, crappy oh did I mention raining? That too. It POURED last night. But despite the crappy weather, that isn’t going to stop us from enjoying our time at the convention EVENTHOUGHWEHAVETOTRAVELTOTHREEDIFFERENTBUILDINGS… (more…)
We take the point of view of two different character, we begin with a narration by Mikuni telling us his past and we follow with Msyu observations and comments on her Entrer.
Let’s just forget that Furuichi and Alaindelon exist, they’re seriously starting to PISS ME OFF... (more…)
The Team tries different test to change the past in order to observes how they can change the world around them.
Nozomi tries to go into hiding in the precipice world while Sado is fighting Renji’s Reigai.