Steins; Gate episode 9: Crushing Butterflies
After the last D-mail the IBN 5100 disappeared and now Okabe needs to look at what point the past changed and where could the computer currently be.
After the last D-mail the IBN 5100 disappeared and now Okabe needs to look at what point the past changed and where could the computer currently be.
The captains are heading back to Soul Society, but a welcoming party is waiting for them at their arrival.
After such a huge cliffhanger where it looked like Keima realized that the real world had some importance, he is now back into Gamers’ World and it doesn’t look like he has changed much Awwwww. (more…)
Going back from when Oga got his ass kicked, he decided afterwards to go back home, only to get his ass kicked mentally by Hilda as she yells at him for having gotten his ass kicked. She then introduces him To Dr. Blob-whatever-with-a-long-ass-name and his assistant, Lamia. Dr. Blob seems really awesome, as for Lamia, she’s apparently the stuck up bitch of the story who believes she’s better than everyone else
shut up. You look like a 4th grader. (more…)
Hey guys, so here’s my second day of covering Anime North. I arrived at 11am this morning and left at 6:30pm because I was pretty much out of cash and I was hungry. Fortunately today was not only sunny, but SO MUCH WARMER. I was actually able to walk around in my t-shirt! And when it warm and sunny that means more pictures!!! 😀 That’s over 151 for you~ (more…)