Spring Anime 2011 Overview: Let's see what came out of this humongous season

It’s worth saying it: This season was enormous. In total, 44 shows came out this Spring. In this, we had the good, the really good, the bad, and of course the very bad. Now, let’s recap this a little and see what all our bloggers here thought!

*Side note: Not all the bloggers have watched all the shows and everything is based on personal opinion and nothing else. Please, no yelling at us for not sharing what you think.*

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New Server!!!

[INSERT YOUR IMAGINATION OF WELCOME HOME BANNER HERE FOR TIME BEING LOL *SHOT*] Hey folks, we moved over to this glorious new server so that we can have more space…


Beelzebub Episode 20: All this buildup… For crappy shit like this? -_-'

It is deep into the night, as Furuichi is intensively reading his book and Oga is slowly taking his, shower, aware of everything that is happening outside of his house. He suddenly hears a noise, sees a figure outside, and WHACK opens the window to see Shiroyama looking at him on a side note: That’s just creepy. (more…)

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