Natsuiro Kiseki Episode 1 [First Impression]: Summer-Coloured Miracle
Well, whatever I might have thought about the show before with its vague description, I definitely didn’t expect THAT.
Well, whatever I might have thought about the show before with its vague description, I definitely didn’t expect THAT.
This week, Atsushi and Atsumi go to the flower blossoming festival, where they happen to meet Take-nii as well as Atsushi’s teacher.
As you’ve probably noticed, I cover a lot of sequels, this being one of them. But did it fall into the same trap that many sequels end up in, which ends up making it worse than the original?
As Saito from ZnT has said, flat plains and mountain ranges both have their good points cough
My favorite Hentai of the season is now over, let us take a look at how much Boob we saw in those last couple weeks
Here it is, the final episode of Bleach and it was such a good episode too, a great way to end this grandiose show that was Bleach.