Initial D Fifth Stage Episodes 3 & 4: Takahashi Ryousuke + Fujiwara Zone
“There is nothing Project D can’t implement as long as you have someone like the genius Ryousuke Takahashi.” – Takahashi Keisuke
“There is nothing Project D can’t implement as long as you have someone like the genius Ryousuke Takahashi.” – Takahashi Keisuke
“Wanting to protect the wielders of special abilities is not an excuse for killing people.” – Ogami Rei
This episode focuses on Natsume. Wow. Two actually satisfying character episodes in a row! Too bad this show is already too much of a piece of utter crap for me to GIVE A SHIT.
“O spirit of sorrow and isolation. I command thee and thine vessel. Using my magoi, bestow great power upon my will. Come, Vinea!” – Ren Kougyoku