Dimension W Episode 7 [ my waifu ]
It's hard for me to feel sad or complain about anything at all in general because this week Dimension W gave me all the things I have wanted since the…
It's hard for me to feel sad or complain about anything at all in general because this week Dimension W gave me all the things I have wanted since the…
It's that time of the week to sit back, relax, and watch a show that has no blood or guts, and no sexual innuendo that runs on for a million…
Wow! By far the best and intense episode of Ajin...so far, at least. This episode was just so exciting I could barely eat my ice cream because I just couldn't…
Title: Vampire Knight Author: Matsuri Hino (Story & Art) Genres: Shoujo, School Life, Romance, Supernatural, Tragedy, Drama Published: 2004 - 2013 (Complete) Volumes: 19 Japanese Publisher: LaLa (original run); Hakusensha…
And so we're back to some more wacky GATE adventures. And honestly, quite a bit happened in this episode. I keep forgetting that in this show, stuff actually happens. I'm…
So he can still make that sort of expression, huh? (more…)
Yeah, I know. Normally I name my reviews something wacky or clever, but, honestly, I couldn't think of anything to name this episode other than...well that. Because...that's pretty much what…