Enen no Shouboutai episode 10
It was a pretty laid back episode and it’s to be expected considering everything that happened in the last couple episodes. However, I still find it a bummer how this…
It was a pretty laid back episode and it’s to be expected considering everything that happened in the last couple episodes. However, I still find it a bummer how this…
Sometimes in shounen series I have to lampshade when things are ridiculous. Earlier in the show I lampshaded how silly it was that Tsukasa can just punch lions to assert…
Well, that was quite a reveal. Historical breakdown before the ass kicking is fine with me. So the Rosenthals are an offshoot of the original group, banished for…
I have enjoyed every episode of Machikado so far, but this episode really took the cake! It was cute, charming, and had just the right amount of humor for me. From…
Episode 23 fuses together episode 19 of the original anime (Chapter 30) and the beginning of episode 24 of the original (Chapter 31) The first half revolves around Tohru as…
Although the reveals in this episode weren't quite unexpected, this doesn't take too much away from the emotional drama the viewers got this week. It wasn't unexpected that Aries was…
Sometimes in life, you live in the moment and Ritsuka was certainly living in the moment last episode. It's not even until the beginning of this episode, after watching his…
It's so disappointing that we're getting such good episodes so late in the game. If we had episodes like this and last week's for most of the show, I would…
"I think all boobs are equally precious." I didn't this show could get so political. Way to take a hard stand on the issues that matter. I also can't…
SLAMS HEAD AGAINST THE WALL ENSEMBLE STARS WHY?! Why now of all times do you do a two part flashback AGAIN?! I’m not happy. Not happy at all with having…