Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy – Episode 5
Another light-hearted fun episode! This time around my wish came through and they actually get a request! Well, sort of. Purple asks them for help working part-time at a local…
Another light-hearted fun episode! This time around my wish came through and they actually get a request! Well, sort of. Purple asks them for help working part-time at a local…
Tensions rise as well as conflict this episode in many ways. Things are slowly kind of falling apart as Haruo has suddenly started being bullied by the Mizunokuchi Force after…
We’re back at the 8th headquarters and as soon as they showed that scientist guy my immediate response was: OH NO. And he’s not the only problem either. Two more…
At long last after lessons in Mayo and Economics, we get to the content that we really wanted. Watching Tsukasa and the rest of the prodigies decide that they're going…
Not going to lie, the reveal of the two cadets was exactly like that moment in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. (angry Dumbledore voice) "MeLiDa DiD yOu PuT…
Another interesting episode of BEASTARS! I thought that things would be different and Louis would insist on performing the second night too. Bill is the one chosen to fill in…
Oof… OOF the beginning of this episode HURT LIKE HECK. I wasn’t sure what I expected this episode to be about, but when I saw Seth walk into that inn…
Compared to previous episodes, there wasn’t a whole lot of drama in this episode. Of course, you just can’t get too comfortable with this anime, even when the ending sequence…
Oh man, things are starting to heat up in this match and we’re barely even scratched the surface of the third quarter. Personally, I would love to see our team…
Breaking, Breaking, read all about it. Amatsuyu Kisaragi, also known as 'Joro' is stringing along three young women. At least, that's what the article that Asunaro wrote says. Which she presents to…
For once the shoe is on the other foot: Askeladd's ploy to influence politics has led his men down a bitter road. This episode focuses on the road that leads…