Ahiru no Sora – Episode 15
Annnnd the big day is finally here! The practice match we've all been waiting for (well ever since Nao brought it up in the previous episode.) But nevertheless! We're finally…
Annnnd the big day is finally here! The practice match we've all been waiting for (well ever since Nao brought it up in the previous episode.) But nevertheless! We're finally…
AHHH SOMALI IS SO CUTE My goodness what a lovely episode. This show just gives me warmth and fuzzies, and it just makes me happy. It's calm, it's sweet, it's…
Well, this was a much slower and kind of boring episode. Without a clear goal in mind, I did have a worry in mind that Mashumairesh would turn out to…
I'm back with Radiant season 2 coverage and my finger is 99.9% healed! Not sure if y'all missed me, but here I am anyways. Last time, crap was hitting the…
EPISODE 2 Once Chu2 wants something, she doesn't stop her pursue of it. She wants nothing more than for RAS to be a perfect and powerful band strong enough to…
I HAVE so many questions. First of all, how does she travel across the country and not know her ballot is illegal? Why does her mom even have a ballot?…
Mirio Togata is a hero, an absolute hero down to the last moment. His fight against Overhaul should go on the records as one of the most emotional and chilling…
11 year olds these days be acting out too damn much. On a serious note, that was a very good first episode in my opinion! The seriousness and the comedy…
Ahhhh I really enjoyed this episode and I already can’t wait to watch more! I haven’t read the manga so this is my first time experiencing the story (and I’ll…
Ui Tamaki, a wish to save her from her illness. Is that the whole story though? Kyuubey says it would take a magical girl level wish to completely erase the…