[Manga Mondays] Otōto no Otto
Title: Otōto no Otto (My Brother's Husband / 弟の夫 ) Author: Gengoroh Tagame (Story & Art); English Translation: Anne Ishii Genres: Drama, LBGTQ, Comedy, Slice of Life, Seinen Rating: All…
Title: Otōto no Otto (My Brother's Husband / 弟の夫 ) Author: Gengoroh Tagame (Story & Art); English Translation: Anne Ishii Genres: Drama, LBGTQ, Comedy, Slice of Life, Seinen Rating: All…
So it's finally time for Student Council President Elections with Iino going head to head against our favorite Shirogane. At first, I was kind of put off by how everyone…
This was an...okay episode. I suppose I shouldn't feel too surprised of Yuto's feelings, but then again I still kind of am considering I feel like there wasn't enough buildup…
After last week's episode, I must admit that I feel a little bit let down. Even though we were introduced to Chika and Minato in the past two episodes, neither…
Wow, I totally forgot there's just a dragon orgy in his arm that comes out when it gets cut off. This was such a hype last episode and did I...…
I have mixed feelings about this episode. Like with many other episodes in this anime, I was not too sure what to expect throughout. Last week, we were given a…
This episode felt like it had a slow start, but quickly built up the excitement as we touched up on all our characters. By the end of the episode, I…
And so we finally meet Michiru's friend. She's been a constant presence through out the series through Michiru's flashbacks. Her friend has always been a rather big mystery, especially since…
Darn it, I was really hoping that we wouldn't start the next test already but...oh well. :/ It was real nice to get a proper explanation on the King of…
Ah yes, it's time to go to the obligatory beach episode! In all seriousness, this arc definitely sets a lot of different things in motion so I'm excited to finally…