Manga Mondays: Daytime Shooting Star
Title: Daytime Shooting Star (Hirunaka no Ryuusei / ひるなかの流星) Author: Mika Yamamori (Story & Art) Genres: Romance, School Life, Slice of Life, Shoujo Rating: Teen Published: 2011 - 2015 (tankōbon)…
Title: Daytime Shooting Star (Hirunaka no Ryuusei / ひるなかの流星) Author: Mika Yamamori (Story & Art) Genres: Romance, School Life, Slice of Life, Shoujo Rating: Teen Published: 2011 - 2015 (tankōbon)…
The DigiDestined are safe, at least for now. After Ogremon sacrificed himself so that the kids could escape, they have taken refuge in a nearby forest. However Metaltyranomon is still…
And we're off! We started off with the pre-race and things didn't exactly go so well for Team Appare since they came in last, but it looks like things are…
This was certainly a different episode, way more chill and low-key than what we got last time. This was a good episode to further have Haru and Daisuke bond with…
After Subaru's completes his own trial, he makes it back to the graveyard to find Emilia struggling. Subaru's opts not to take part in the other two trials of the…