Hellsing Ultimate OVA Episode 1 [First Impression]: Welcome to the World of GORE AND KILLING

Yes, that’s right, you read the title properly. Hellsing Ultimate is finally getting its place among the Angryanimebitches blog (I didn’t have time for it before sad face) Please welcome the pure greatness of a horrific, disgusting, gory yet terribly badass show about vampires into our blog.

*Please Note: This screencap will be re-used for every single episode, for the simple reason that I do not want to be blamed for occasional barfing and/or being traumatized. If you click "Read more" it becomes your problem.*


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Kimi ni Todoke Season 2 Episode 1 [First Impression]: Giri… Honmei… I have to give… *HIDES*

It is Valentine’s day once again in Japan with all the shoujo animes and mangas it’s probably Valentine’s day 20 times a year, and Sawako gives chocolates to her friends and family. The whole rest of the episode is all about her trying to give her last bag of chocolates to Kazehaya.

It is ZEE bag. Who'd have thought an episode could go around such an item for the whole half hour?
