Hellsing Ultimate Episode 9 OVA: Alucard vs. Walter
It’s war, let’s fight, let’s rip each others’ guts out~~~ Oh Hellsing, how I missed you 🙂
Warning: Contains gore
It’s war, let’s fight, let’s rip each others’ guts out~~~ Oh Hellsing, how I missed you 🙂
Warning: Contains gore
Yaaaaaay! Finally some awesome horror I can watch while waiting for months before Hellsing Ultimate Episode 9 comes out!
IT’S OUT!!!! IT’S SUBBED!!! IT’S FINALLY HERE!!!! Everyone, you should be overjoyed, because Hellsing Ultimate Episode 8 has been released, after a very long wait 2 fucking long years. I may not be a regular blogger here anymore and very late in posting this, however this show is mine, will always be mine and I will let no one else continue blogging it glares. (more…)
This week starts off as the spotlight shines yet on another character than Alucard, this time we learn a little bit more of the background story of Bernadotte, the mercenary captain currently working under Integra. I won’t go into details, but basically kid-Bernadotte states that he’s being bullied at school for being born in a family of mercenaries, and his grandpa turns around and says “It’s normal to be bullied, we really are horrible people.” Thanks. That’s very kind of you, I appreciate your concern /sarcasm.
Well, this time the episode starts off as we learn that Maxwell, the leader of Iscariot, has a humongous army called “the 9th Crusade”, on its way to attack London in order to “reconquer it” Oh damn. They might be cowards, but their army can kick ass nonetheless, unfortunately We also learn a bit more of Maxwell’s origins he was a bastard, and now he’s an important catholic figure gasp what a surprise, and at the same time Alucard is slowly creeping in with his boat, sailing towards London and happier than ever because there is a war going on and he’s sailing towards it What a psycho… We already knew it, but still… O.O (more…)
For once, the first scene we witness does not involve someone being murdered sadistically, but rather it involves Alucard seeing visions of actors and the soul of his gun, basically it’s absolutely retarded but I couldn’t help but laugh. And laugh. And then laugh some more. In case you hadn’t realised, it’s a funny first scene. (more…)
After a little introduction showing our big bad Nazi Boss and how scary he looked to the priests from the Vatican, we follow a small conversation between Alucard and Integra on the phone, and she tells him that there will be a meeting of the Round Table soon, and that he must show up because the meeting is with the Queen gasp
WOAAAH, the Queen’s there, this will be important for sure!. (more…)
That’s basically what the whole episode was about. Alucard. Is. Psychotic. (more…)
Gore, Blood, Horror, Happeh happeh, I am happeh to be blogging this amazing show that is called Hellsing Ultimate :D. (more…)
Yes, that’s right, you read the title properly. Hellsing Ultimate is finally getting its place among the Angryanimebitches blog (I didn’t have time for it before sad face) Please welcome the pure greatness of a horrific, disgusting, gory yet terribly badass show about vampires into our blog.