Chihayafuru Ep 9: Sweet Sixteen
I end up feeling very fulfilled every Tuesday, especially today since this episode was BEYOND AWESOME!!!!! Scuse me I want to go watch it all over again xD
I end up feeling very fulfilled every Tuesday, especially today since this episode was BEYOND AWESOME!!!!! Scuse me I want to go watch it all over again xD
Apologies if this was a bit short – it was supposed to be a double, but I felt Ep 9 deserved its own post.
Title: True Tears
Animation Company: P.A. Works
Genres: Drama, Romance, School
Aired: Winter 2008
Number of Episodes: 13
Personal Rating: 8/10
Here goes my next random review! To be honest, before I clicked the “Random Anime” button and got this as a result on some website, I had not heard about this show even one bit Let me tell you, that in itself is pretty impressive. I know a lot about anime… Anyways, the point is, I came across this show while hating on my homework, and found myself marathoning it in two days I was very productive on my homework, you see... So then, I thought: “Hey, I should blog this!” And so I did because I’m awesome and was very productive doing my homework. (more…)
Kisa is in love, but he is really insecure about his situation, is he overreacting or is his relationship with Yukina really in danger?
I guess it was too much to expect an increase in episode quality after that delay last week, but hey, these are Naruto fillers we’re talking about.