Bleach 351: Angry Birds
Ichigo is back to the training field and this time, he has to defeat two plushies for the price of one.
Ichigo is back to the training field and this time, he has to defeat two plushies for the price of one.
A triple entry again…
This needs to stop.
I apologize for the inconstancy of getting this out. It’s just I haven’t been feeling too well since last, last Sunday. =_=; Unfortunately next week’s entry will also be delayed only because I’m going to be busy, but I’ll have that out before the end of the week!!!
It is a normal day today at the Wagnaria restaurant. The episode begins wonderfully as Inami punches the hell out of Takanashi once more, and as Yachiyo serves parfaits to the manager, we can only assume that this will be a normal episode… Not. WTF INAMI?!?! Learn not to hit the guy you like already, it’s been like a year now. (more…)
I apologize for the delay everyone. I didn’t want to have to do a double post, but it looks like I do. (more…)