Bleach 357: Tsukishima the friendly guy
While Ichigo is training, Chad and Inoue are busy having fun with their old friend Tsukishima.
While Ichigo is training, Chad and Inoue are busy having fun with their old friend Tsukishima.
Saizou was able to prevent Ieyasu from taking Isanami, and Yukimura assigns Isanami and Saizo another team member on their trip to investigate Izumo. Isanami is tied to a tree in this episode, and Saizou saves her (again). No activation of killer hairpiece, a new antagonist begs for death, and a big fight in the future is alluded to.
This is probably the only thing I’m satisfied about this episode. Kakeru looks absolutely handsome in this shot.
Aaaand, RESET! Rihoko’s arc was the only one I felt unsatisfied with in Season 1 – not ending up in the “just friends” category this time would be good.
Today Twelfth is on a mission to kill Tsubaki, sixth, and Yuki and Yuno are caught in between as Yuki refuses to let Tsubaki die.
Oh and well…you know the siteation with Yuno by now.
warning there is rape in this episode. It may trigger you. Also, I rant alot about the rape victims later actions and if that will offend you, skip this review.
This show is simply amazing. Amazing character, funny by moment, incredible ecchi scene and the story is too good for a ecchi.Where do I even start !
Isanami and Saizo continue their journey while the threat of assassins hangs over their heads. Saizo runs into Ana, a childhood friend, while she’s bathing, and they all go to the festival where Isanami has been invited to dance as the shrine maiden. Oh, and there’s a giant snake in the forest that almost kills our main characters.
Saizo: We are totally just friends, and I was totally not peeping.
I think at this point it might be redundant to call Yuno crazy. Let’s just call her sanity impaired.