Blue Box Episode 1 [First Impression]
Here we go! A sports love story!
Oh my gosh, this show is an absolute riot!
Episode 11 Apologies for the late post, but I was out all last week and had very little wifi so I had to unfortunately put this post on hold. BUT…
Let's take a look at what caught our attention the upcoming anime in the Fall 2024 Season!
When the news come that a shoemaker in Enberch had died after eating Tereo's bread, tensions have spiked and the villagers were unnerved, leaving Lawrence, Holo and Elsa all in a precarious situation.
This definitely feels like the cooldown episode considering what happened in the past few episodes. After a week's hiatus of being left on quite the rude cliffhanger, we finally get…
We're finally onto the arc the previous adaption skipped last time!
Natsuki begins investigating further on whether Atri has a "heart"...
Considering how Aqua-centric this episode was, I am a bit disappointed and annoyed that it felt like it overshadowed Kana's moment. It feels like it cut in a little to…
As much as I was super hyped for this episode and how Kana's moment goes, I won't deny that I was left a little unsatisfied. At my core, I am…
School makes a comeback, and suddenly everyone's interested in Natsuki's first love.
KANAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Kana just keeps finding more ways to break my heart. Her backstory already had me emotional, but seeing it through Akane's POV and how much it effects her in…