Ojisan To Marshmallow Episode 7 [Here Comes Another Crazy]
At this point, I have come to the conclusion that the guy who wrote this show is a big fat guy who's never had a girl like him in his…
At this point, I have come to the conclusion that the guy who wrote this show is a big fat guy who's never had a girl like him in his…
Every week in Active Raid I find myself in a precarious position. I took on this show in hopes that it would make me feel the same way Tiger and…
Once again Bunta is having trouble writing the script for the game. And Yuuka is still mad at him. Basically Bunta is having trouble writing the confession scene of the…
Huzzah, the opening and ending themes are subtitled now! *happy dance* Episode six opens with rumours of a peeping tom on campus, and a new student with long green hair.…
“You should go back to school.”
I actually liked this episode. (more…)
I kinda feel like the team making Akagami no Shirayukihime is subtly trying to tell its viewers that nothing is ever as it seems sometimes, because that's definitely what this episode felt…
You know, every week I have trouble watching this show. I push it off more and more just because of the sole reason that this show has disappointed me so…