Haruchika Episode 11: Valley of Eden
It’s a Nao-chan episode! (more…)
Ahh, if I haven't been clear enough already, I love this show. I really do. It's a fluffy shoujo, mixed with romance, comedy, a little action... all in all a…
I'm really beginning to think that the person who resurrected this show only had one thing in mind. They really REALLY wanted to add their own original character to the…
Reiji again Best thing about this episode again So, it's time for the Semi finals match against Saisei but the day before, Riku does another love declaration to Takeru, saying…
My initial thoughts were that finally, FINALLY we at long last get a Mari-centred episode, focused on her feelings for Anna and her... hatefest rivalry? with Tomoya. "I hope we…
So we catch up where we left last week, with the sucker gang ready to fight some monsters in the mine, In a mine! In a mine! Where a million…
Every now and then I get frustrated with anime for doing things I hate, but Dimension W proves weekly to have the opposite situation occur weekly. We learned last week…
AHHHHH DRAMAAAAAA. I'm that one petty bitch you see front row when some real drama starts up, I live for this kind of stuff. Drama #1: Typhoon Bitch. So the…
Hooray! This episode has a bunch of the main crew! Of course..it also has a lot of other crap I don't care about, but at this point that's kind of…
You know, considering the latter half of this episode, I almost thought I was rewatching the episode of Komugi I saw last week. It's like Deja Vu over here. Honestly.…
Jesus, that was fucking brutal. I had to cover my eyes because it was hard to watch. Carta went on with her lengthy speech and both she and another guy…