Bungou Stray Dogs S3 – Episode 4
With the backstory episodes, we step into season 3 with surprisingly very little of characters we are familiar with. Instead, opting to take some time to develop our villain for…
Sarazanmai Episode 4
I don’t know about anyone else, but I just about died at Kazuki’s last line of the episode. I called it, there’s something up with Haruka. Still not sure whether…
Fruits Basket (2019) – Episode 4
So I am going to level with you, I went into this episode with a sort of dread. The section of the original anime that covered Tohru returning to her…
Carole & Tuesday Episode 4: Video Killed the Radio Star
I have no clue what to make of this episode. I felt like it was completely pointless but it still had some good in it in relation to Gus and…
Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS Episode 100
RobiHachi Episode 4
I thought this whole episode might be a flashback episode to Robby’s past life (and I guess his past life was a major theme of the episode), but it was…
Midara na Ao chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Episodes 2 and 3 – Sex in the Air
This show. I laugh every TIME. The thing that got me in this episode was how she asked her dad for advice and uses some pieces of the advice. And…
Dororo Episode 16: The Story of Shiranui
I'm so glad things were normal. This was a much better episode, back to the Dororo I know and love. Where at the end I don't feel disappointment, only excitement…
Attack On Titan S3 – Episode 13 [Where it Began]
Season 3 of Attack on Titan continues after it's months of hiatus not with a whisper but with a bang. As they head to Shiganshina to plug up the walls…
Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin Ep 4
Star Twinkle Precure Episode 13
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