Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V Episode 144: Should've, Would've, Could've
You know what’s tragic? This could have been an amazing episode under different circumstances. (more…)
You know what’s tragic? This could have been an amazing episode under different circumstances. (more…)
Yuuya finally remembers his Valentine.
Well that was snoozefest.
Holy shit it’s been so chaotic around me that I actually forgot about this week’s episode! Sorry about that folks! And in case people are confused about it, I AM STILL COVERING YGO ARC-V. I intend to finish it. It just means YGO ARC-V is the only and last show I will be covering until I choose to participate in future seasons. With that all hopefully cleared up, let’s go go go!
Although I have already shared this in the Winter 2017 Preview, here is my formal post in regards of my indefinite hiatus. (more…)