Otome Yokai Zakuro Ep 2: Fear the Shadow

Otome Yokai Zakuro starts off with a dream this week – more like a flash back so it seems, where Zakuro was climbing a Persimmon tree to pick one of its fruits for Susuki. She suddenly finds herself alone with spirits calling out her name as they move up the tree forcing her to climb higher and eventually falling due to a branch snapping, underwater. It turns out the tree is somehow connected to the underworld. Zakuro bolts awake sweating murmuring for her mother. As if the morning couldn’t have started on a bad enough note, Zakuro gets (more…)

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Otome Yokai Zakuro Ep 1: Surprisingly Enjoyable [First Impression]

Three men from the military are put in charged of being representatives for the Ministry of  Spirits Affairs organization. In order to proceed this mission, they will among the spirits in order to keep an eye on them. There they meet three Yokai girls who they each are partnered up with to complete this task.
First Impression: (more…)

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Yumeiro Patissiere SP Professional Episode 1 [Season 2]

Oh my my my! What a way to start season 2! The Opening made me laugh hysterically. While the song was catchy and enjoyable, I found the opening itself so corny (it was somewhat disturbing I don’t know, kind of made me blush!) and “magical girl-like”. The Ending sequence was very adorable, and the song too was very enjoyable as well! =w= Gahhh I’m already loving this! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *SHOT* (more…)

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Iron Man Episode 1 [First Impression]

Tony Stark comes to Japan to work on a particular project to pursuit his goals of World Peace. He must adapt to the culture and ways of society in Japan in order to have the people trust and favor him.  In the mean time, he seeks to find a new candidate to become the next Iron Man so that he can successfully retire. However with his Dio production being somehow hacked, Tony finds himself forced to fight. (more…)

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Yumeiro Patissiere Ep 50 [Season 1 END]

Although I never covered Yumeiro Patissiere’s first season here, I have been keep track of it and writing about it in my journal at LJ. So because it was one of the series I have been keeping track of for such a long time, and its first season have finally come to an end, I decided to share my post here, and give you guys a quick idea of how I typically would blog. I do plan to add more stuff (such as more screencaps) into my future entries, so please look forward to it.


This was certainly an exciting episode. I’m pleased how they finished it off overall, so I can’t wait for season 2 to start next week.
There were a few things that were just made me go, “WTF?!”, but whatever. I won’t let it bug me.
Final Impression:

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