Tiger & Bunny Ep 2: What makes a True Hero!

Hello folks, the major delay that kept us literally two seasons behind since this awesome show had started and now, Oki and I are determined to get this baby covered completely and ready for the finale!!! So be ready, this place is going to be FLOODED with Tiger & Bunny posts this week! So no summaries from me, all I’ll be doing are the impressions. (more…)

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Sources from MAL & ANN

Woot! We have now officially reached a full seasonal cycle here on Angryanimebitches! First time ever *tears of joy* I’m so proud of myself and the team! Yosh! Are you guys ready for the Fall 2011?! Sure that means going back to school for some of you, so here’s your survival choices to help distract you pull through! *SHOT* (more…)