We’re finally back after a few month’s break and boy did they not hold back. So much is going on and after leaving all the confrontations on cliffhangers I was like “Okay, we need to STOP.” I’m definitely interested to see what happens in every situation, especially since I have no idea how they’re going to conclude. In one corner, we have Priscilla dealing with Wrath. To which, they might end up burning the entire city down as both of them have fire abilities. I’m really curious to see how this battle plays out. Especially since while Priscilla can exude an air of confidence, she does have her moments of lashing out. So it’ll be interesting to see whether or not she gets provoked by Wrath. Though considering she has the songstress with her, she probably will use her to interrupt Wrath’s ability to stir up emotions if she does get wound up. It’ll definitely be interesting to watch two crazy ladies go at it and whether or not Priscilla can actually back up that mouth of hers.

And then on another part of the city, we have Garf and Wilhelm fighting both physically and internally. Wilhelm’s current position is just so messed up. The fact that they brought back his beloved wife in this way and will inevitably end with him having to “kill” her is just beyond tragic. It’s obviously weighing on him and when he slashed the mask off of her, my immediate response was “Oh no, this is so much worse.” Because now he actually has to SEE that it’s his wife’s body now. I rescind my statement of wanting to see their faces. Put the masks back on! Please, for Wilhelm’s sake! Garf isn’t having a good time either as Elsa still seems to be haunting him psychologically and I still can’t tell if it’s actually a part of her that she implanted into Garf’s mind or if it’s just his insecurities taking form. Hopefully that gets answered in this arc because it feels like it’s more than just feeling like a big fish being thrown into a bigger pond. I do wonder if him beating this “inner demon” will be linked to somehow being at peace with his mom’s situation. But first he has to deal with being squished under a giant slab of flesh which was DISGUSTING.

We then turn our attentions to yet another situation brewing between Felt, Otto and Gluttony. I don’t know what it is about characters who tries to “eat” others in combat, but the idea of it freaks me out and adds a layer of stress I don’t need in an already stressful situation. So yeah, Gluttony probably scares me the most out of all the Witch Cult Archbishops so far and we haven’t even witnessed him do all that much on screen. We have only seen the outcome of whenever he’s involved. Most of which have ended with dire results. So that probably adds to my fear of him. However, he does seem to at least be a little interesting character-wise. Why does he have strong feelings for Subaru because of the broadcast? And what happened that caused him to have such a strong negative reaction towards merchants? For all we know, he could have been sold off by merchants after trusting them. Especially since he doesn’t look human. Hopefully we get more on that because I honestly didn’t expect him to snap at Otto like that. Though it was major cool how Otto just summoned two water beasts to aid him even if I doubt they’ll live by the end of next episode.

And then on THE OTHER part of the city we have Reinhard kicking the everlasting crap out of Regulus and it was GLORIOUS. I’ve said it in my previous posts, but the guy gives me the biggest ICK out of all the archbishops so far and it brought me so much joy to see him just get bashed into the wall by Reinhard. Well deserved. Speaking of Reinhard, while I wouldn’t call him a favorite, his existence is just so funny to me. Someone like him is usually the OP main character in other fantasy series, but here, he’s just the side character, which is probably why he works so well and him just trouncing everyone with little to no effort is just hilarious to me. Especially Subaru’s reaction is literally “Why are you like this????” while Reinhard essentially just answers with a “teehee~.” Even Regulus comments on how it would make more sense if Emilia fell for Reinhard instead of Subaru lol. But man did I freaking die when Reinhard went on to unintentionally burn Regulus by saying his sword doesn’t believe he’s a worthy opponent. Like DANG. That part had me cackling.

Reinhard continues to be a complete enigma with how many abilities this guy has. Like they keep giving this guy buffs when he’s already OP. The dude literally rises from the dead like a phoenix and then he ALSO has telepathy??? At this point, it’s just funny because it’s like: oh, OF COURSE you’d have this ability. Also the combo of him and Emilia tossing an ice dagger to him to use as a weapon was SICK. Him versus Regulus feels like a battle between two impenetrable forces. Despite how powerful Reinhard is, Regulus doesn’t seem like he sustains any lasting damage. So they’ll definitely need to figure out how to turn that ability off to officially defeat him.

And then… for a last minute shift in situations, we have freaking Lust walking in on Felis. This situation probably feels like the absolute worst out of all the battles right now because Felis is a healer and Crusch is still down. Though considering Subaru relieved a little bit of the curse off of her, she might have enough strength to stand up and fight. But even then, I’m not sure if that’d even be enough to subdue Lust after she essentially got one shot by her earlier. Felis might be the one to pop off as Lust is the one that put Crusch into this state, but we’ll have to wait and see what becomes of this face-off. Either way, I don’t foresee this confrontation going well especially with just how grotesque the previous battle with Lust went.

So much happened this episode that I fear too much might be happening. Hopefully they’re able to juggle all of the events in a satisfying manner to a proper conclusion. So far in this series, I haven’t been disappointed with how things turned out. Maybe a couple nitpicks here and there, but otherwise this series hasn’t let me down in that regard. I don’t really care how this arc ends, just make it make sense. Given how they went on that long break to possibly put more time into making the episodes, I can only hope we end this season with a satisfying conclusion. But for now it’s just a dreaded sense of “AHHHHHHHHHH.”


A passionate yet somewhat awkward individual who just wants to talk about anime

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Vance

    Shadow, Lye is interested in being judged by Subaru ’cause Rem in Episode 26 before her name and memories were eaten by Lye, changing her into an empty husk, said that Subaru would come and judge them for what Lye and Regulus have done or something like that. Lye is eager to face Subaru ’cause of Rem.

    I believe much of Priscilla’s public persona is an act, but fleshing out the details would break the word count Eva limited me to, so I can’t say more about why I don’t believe Priscilla will lash out or lose her cool in any significant fashion.

    And as I explained in an earlier episode, I believe Garfiel is being haunted by Elsa psychologically due to his fear of death and how he pretty much won against her due to luck instead of it being a true fair fight wherein he was clearly the better fighter due to part of the ceiling falling, which distracted Elsa. Reinhard easily stopping Garfiel’s attack was probably the major trigger for him considering he saw Elsa not long after that.

    Priscilla notably said within the first few minutes that Al could defend the government office they are using as their base, so it’ll probably come down to Al vs. Capella rather than Felix vs. Capella as I doubt Felix would be able to do anything to Capella given her insane regeneration.

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