Thank goodness that they didn’t show as many things going on at once and instead focused on half of the events that are currently happening. So let’s talk about what’s going on with Felis and Lust first to get the shortest situation out of the way. While it definitely was a clever ploy to lure Lust down into the basement, I do have to wonder if Felis was pretending to be shocked by Lust’s appearance because their acting sure was on point. Though I’m sure Felis has a lot of hatred towards Lust for what she did to Crusch, so if they were acting, probably was using a lot of their actual feelings in that moment. It was a pretty low blow to have Lust turn into Crusch to taunt Felis though but I’m not surprised considering the tactics we’ve seen them do before. I’m just glad that Anastasia ended up pretending to be the bedridden Crusch and man, they even went as far as to put in the details of Crusch’s curse on her face. Talk about dedicated lol.

But now I’m really curious about what is going on emotionally with Al because he seems to be so on edge and snappy lately. Especially since he seems even more aggressive towards Lust. Though considering she essentially eluded to him being “ugly” underneath the helmet, I wouldn’t blame him for being a bit testy with her after that. And we are treated to yet again another Easter egg of Al’s eye in an image if you raise the brightness. Which is honestly such a fascinating detail they add. When it showed me the close up of his helmet I was like: they probably show his eye at higher brightness. I’m so curious to how Al fights. Especially now that we know he’s from the same world as Subaru. I feel like it’d be safe to theorize that he might have similar powers to Subaru if at all. (still insane that they stuck that information in a freaking short outside of the actual episode)

Speaking of Al, we also have some Priscilla focus and boy is she a FREAK. When she started making out with Lilia to snap her out of the hypnosis, I honestly wasn’t even surprised considering she undressed in front of the girl last episode. And while she is very… bold, Priscilla is definitely the most intriguing character this season for me. And as confident and proud as she is, Wrath still was able to ruffle her feathers. I was actually surprised that she ended up getting so angry that she lost her cool. Makes me wonder what significance those names Wrath is listing off have. Clearly they seem to be very personal to Priscilla, where mentioning them sent her into a fury. Rezero is notorious for making all their characters with a lot of depth so I am excited to see what Priscilla’s deal is. Especially since Wrath essentially called her out on building up walls around her heart where she is unable to trust anyone. So I’m eager to learn more about Priscilla and what makes her the way that she is.

But gosh, Liliana was especially grating this episode. Her just screaming at Priscilla when GURL, JUST DO YOUR DANG JOB. Everyone is fighting for their lives and others, now isn’t the time for lollygagging! Her “comedy” in this episode was not doing it for me and I felt like I was losing patience with her. Hopefully she does better in her next appearance.

And then we have the bulk of the episode pertaining to the issue with Greed. We continue the onslaught of manhandling Greed, but it’s obvious that no amount of kicking, throwing around and giant icicle crushing is going to actually hurt him. Annoy him, yes, but that’s not the goal. Though I do admit that whenever he gets hit by an unsuspecting hit, it does make me cackle. Like when Reinhard freaking hit Greed into HIS OWN attack. And boy were we treated to some UGLY faces from Greed. Any time the guy just ends up making a fool of himself just brings me so much joy. Especially during the ice skating scene and he just crashes through the bridge because he couldn’t react in time. I also lost it when Emilia says she “hates him” and he just stomps away in a fit. Can we also just talk about how the guy literally just picked up WATER? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that happen before in any series I’ve watched and boy was it gnarly lol. It’s honestly an interesting concept and am a bit surprised this is the first time I’ve seen it before.

Anyways, we then start delving into some interesting information on Greed and even all the bishops as a whole. I’m not very well versed in astrology so I actually didn’t catch that all the bishop names are derived from stars. So the fact Subaru was able to deduce so much from just knowing they’re all related to stars was most likely a game changer and also very lucky he even had that knowledge. We don’t know if all of their abilities are linked to their star names, but in Greed’s case, it seems to be the case. Especially when Subuaru correctly deduces that his heart isn’t beating, which in turn confirms that Greed has stopped time for his body. Which explains why he doesn’t get hurt since how can you get hurt if time isn’t moving forward so to speak. Though once they figure out how to start time for his body again, for sure that guy isn’t living after all the damage he must have collected over the years. I have no idea how they would accomplish that, but I’m looking forward to how they figure it out. They’ve gotten this far, now they just have to finish it. All of the bishops’ powers are so interesting and I really look forward to how they all get defeated.

I know I’m a broken record, but man, every episode I can’t help but think “man, I love Emilia.” Emilia has to be the absolute most adorable girlie in this series where I just instantaneously melted when she replied with “as long as you return it” after Subaru asked she “lend him her ear.” GURL YOU HAVE NO RIGHT BEING THAT CUTE. All the while being a completely BOSS on the battlefield. Gurl literally whipped out ice skates and then proceeded to fend Greed off with several hits to his vitals. I also couldn’t help but cackle at the fact she attempted to hit him in the groin lol. I also just couldn’t help but laugh at her coming to the conclusion that she hates Greed. I’m glad you’re developing well emotionally, Emilia, but my gosh now isn’t the time XD. She’s just so much of a joy to watch~

Aside from the annoying Liliana parts, I actually had some pretty good laughs from this episode. Especially how Reinhard was Team Rocketed to the moon but talked about it like it was just a mild inconvenience. Dude is ridiculous lol. This episode was definitely an interesting one and I look forward to how everything plays out since it seems like at least two out of the six battles that are going on right now have swung in favor of the heroes.


A passionate yet somewhat awkward individual who just wants to talk about anime