It was nice to see Ranma and Akane bonding more this week, and it was a nice treat to see Ranma’s sweeter side today. He’s not as much as a muscle-brain as one might be led to believe. He’s not dense enough to not notice that Akane has a crush on Dr. Tofu, and was quick to try encouraging her to take any opportunities to seeing him. Akane however wants to keep the fact she likes Dr. Tofu a secret, because she already knows her love is unrequited. Sadly, not only does he only see her as a child, but Dr. Tofu actually has feelings for her eldest sister Kasumi (who does not appear to be aware of this). This guy just becomes a complete mess around her, and cannot do his work straight, leading to many mistake. As result, he hasn’t exactly made any particularly favourable, much less professional impression on her, but I digress.

It was sweet to see Ranma paying close enough attention to Akane’s mood after she had told him about it. He even went far as trying to help her laugh and smile when he thought she might’ve been crying. Unfortunately for him though, while he had finally made one step forward, he took two steps back due to poor timing and his usual poorly timed quips. But we can definitely see he’s starting to see her cute side more too, as he caught himself blushing a bit when he has his eyes on her.

We also got to see Akane being a softy and warming up to him as well. She was the one who asked if he’d train with her again today, which was nice to see.

Apart from the sweetness, there were the chaotic duo just stirring chaos.

The first is Akane’s sister Nibiki: Goodness gracious, this girl sees an opportunity for profit and seems to get a kick out of stirring up misunderstandings and chaos. I’m honestly surprised Akane wasn’t more mad at her when she had confessed (thankfully bailing Ranma out from an additional misunderstanding) that she was the one who sold the pictures to Kuno.

Which then brings me to the second one, who is presently hands down the most problematic one of the week: Kuno. Good grief, this guy is an idiot. Even after Nibiki outed Ranma for being Kuno’s latest crush, the he STILL didn’t connect that Ranma IS her. And if that’s isn’t bad enough, not only is he a giant perv, but just because he fell for F!Ranma doesn’t mean he has stopped crushing on Akane. In fact, he is determined to date them both– to which the two of them gave him the much deserved punch of disdain. At least Ranma really took him out this time, but I doubt Kuno is going to take this as a loss, again. Ranma really needs to make sure the guy can’t land any hits on him for any hopes to get him off his back. He’s surely gonna be persistent like a cockroach.

Last but not least, it seems the word of Ranma’s and Akane’s engagement from last week has actually helped settle the deal of all the guys looking to win Akane’s heart. Ranma has certainly gotten used to her ridiculous routine against them, but it’s surely one that neither one of them will miss!


Blogging Anime since Summer 2009, & Founder of AngryAnimeBitches Anime Blog ...I may or may not be addicted to writing

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. zztop

    Having read the manga, I should warn you that the stubborn, persistent idiocy of certain characters such as Kuno drive much of the story’s comedic misadventures. Expect even more idiots to join the party as the series goes on.

    1. Eva

      Considering how Ranma and his father ended up in their predicament in the first place, followed by Kuno, I’m definitely anticipating the comedic chaos to be driven by absolute fools! 😂 Hahahahaha!

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