Episode 5

This episode we saw the shop dude and his buddies go after Atri. Intially it was believed they were the debt-collectors pursuing Catherine, but that wasn’t really the case. They had been given a job to collect Atri and get rewarded handsomely in exchange. However the tables turned on them, with Catherine helping out Atri and Natsuki round them up and ultimately they came out with the winning hand: Supplies needed to build their Water Turbine and (apparently, unless I misunderstood, please correct me if I’m wrong), Catherine’s debts been dealt with as well. And with all that out of the way and exposed for having formerly been a teacher known as Hana-sensei, Catherine joins the party and resumes teaching.

Honestly not much went on in this one, though there are certainly little bits being teased, foreboding what’s to come. A short glimpse, of the one looking to claim Atri had either a prosthetic arm, or perhaps he too is an android.

Episode 6

Following up the success of producing electricity for the school, they’ve opened up a salvage business and Natsuki’s a lot happier now. He’s smiling so much that it’s catching everyone off-guard. But I’m not gonna lie, this episode left me with mixed feelings. Now that the school’s power has been restored, students are coming back, and Natsuki has taken up teaching. It didn’t really help that there was a lot of emotions going on between the characters, and I didn’t connect to any of it.

With the school’s power restored, students are coming back and among them we meet a new girl, Yoko. She’s pretty funny, and is a welcomed addition to the cast. Poor girl got picked to be the one to do the fake-confession to Natsuki in hopes to get answers on his love history that Ryuuji in particular was very curious about. And what does that lead to? Well, kind of the obvious direction, Atri, and she sings the song he played on the piano. The confusing part however is understanding how did Natsuki forget what Atri looked like— unless she really did have a different body at the time. He described the one who saved him when he had contemplated suicide was someone who was well-mannered, mature, and said to be a couple years older than him. The only thing they shared was the ruby colored eyes.

As for Atri, she too has something going on. In episode 5, we briefly saw her have a memory flash through her mind, of a wounded girl with short hair. She appears to be a student, which might be why Atri had that bizarre flashback earlier on when they first arrived at the school. We don’t know who that is, and nobody we know of matches up to that, unless it somehow ends up being Minamo (I somewhat doubt). And now in episode 6 we just learned she apparently knew Natsuki for a while, but just forgot. I guess it’s a go-figure moment, but still weird nonetheless that Natsuki didn’t remember her.

And then there’s Minamo. There’s something going on with this girl, and I first noticed it when she brought Atri to her home. Back in episode 2 there was a particular shot from afar where we only saw Atri seated, but the glass vase blocked out Minamo, suggesting she doesn’t have a place in Natsuki’s future. And after this episode, I kind of half wonder if she’s actually dying or something. Her feelings comes second to Natsuki’s happiness, and she doesn’t want him to be stuck alone. Besides having a big heart, Minamo also seems to be trying to help prepare Atri to be helpful to Natsuki, in ways she won’t be able to do so later on. Well, we’ll have to see. There’s a handful of mysteries floating around.


Blogging Anime since Summer 2009, & Founder of AngryAnimeBitches Anime Blog ...I may or may not be addicted to writing

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Eva

    Note: Ep 7 will be released as a double post with Ep 8 next week.

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