Man, Oshi no ko really do just keeps coming out with banger after banger with its episodes. The episode went by so fast, I couldn’t believe it was done lol. While I am a bit disappointed we didn’t actually get to see the stage play from Abiko’s perspective like I had hoped, but I AM SO GLAD THAT GOA IS BACK ON THE PROJECT. And mad respect for Raida who didn’t continue just being a people pleaser and actually managed a heart-to-heart with Abiko. I feel like because he stopped kissing up to her and basically laid out the issues with her where she finally got a better idea on the situation they are in. Not only that, but after her talk with Yoriko, I think Abiko finally started taking what others have to say into account and not just drowning them out with her demands and views. And finally… FINALLY, they came to an agreement.

Due to the time constraints, Raida had very valid points about how allowing Abiko to write the script for the play would most likely end with a lackluster stage play since she had never done it before. Not to mention that with how late into production it was, they would most likely have to take the script without any corrections, which would honestly be disastrous considering hardly any first draft of something someone has done for the first time will automatically be good. I’m glad that Abiko understood the situation and allowed GOA to come back to write the script again under her supervision this time. When I saw the four of them in a call together, I couldn’t help but throw up my hands and proclaim: THEY COULD HAVE DONE THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE! It’s frustrating, but it’s definitely understandable why they wouldn’t want the original creator and the scriptwriter together since it could to lead to disputes which would leave the project souring. However, it definitely feels like a case-by-case situation rather than a one size fits all type of thing. Especially since GOA and Abiko ended up getting along really well together and seemed to be on the same wavelength once GOA got the exact parameters that Abiko would allow. Where the plot can change, but they need to keep the integrity of the characters. Which is honestly fair. Though you could tell that the guy was pretty nervous at the start considering how things went down between them the first time.

While I do wish that Abiko directly told GOA an apology for the cruel things she said to him and solely blaming him for the mishap, she most likely had her apology within the comment of admitting that she liked the stage play that GOA wrote the script for. Considering it shows that she was able to be up front that she did like something he made, which probably meant a lot to him as a creator and as a fan. So I suppose I’ll let it pass. Especially since the two really hit it off where they were working on the script all through the night up to the next morning. I do hope that they can be friends from now on because they really do seem to work well with each other and can probably geek out about different series.

Though because of how the script was written, there’s extra pressure on the actors to do well since it relies on the portrayal of the characters’ actions rather than mostly dialogue. I assume they’ll have to really push the showing and not telling in their acting. To which, the theater people will be fine and is probably their strengths, but as for the more inexperienced actors, it’ll definitely prove to be a steep hill to climb. Noticeably for Melt and Aqua. Melt’s situation is a given considering he’s still learning, but Aqua’s situation is quite different. Aqua has only been performing roles that he either has already seen before and copies or plays as himself, so of course he’s going to struggle when presented with a role that he has to put more emotion forth compared to the original source. Especially since I feel like you really need to project your emotions more on stage so that the audience can see it instead of having the cameras pull in close to capture the subtle expressions. And because Aqua doesn’t emote, it makes sense why he’d struggle in this situation.

Now THIS. This is such a big reason why I enjoy Aqua x Kana so much. The fact that Kana doesn’t mince her words and doesn’t let him get away with something he shouldn’t, helps Aqua to grow and see what he is lacking. As opposed to Akane who was trying comfort Aqua and in a sense coddle him. But man, I do admit, while I love Kana, I can’t help but roll my eyes whenever she and Akane get competitive over who is closer with Aqua. Both of them keep claiming that they know him so well and I’m like: Y’all need to sit down. Neither of you know him THAT well, sheesh.

Anyways, things go from alright to oh no real fast when Kana unintentionally steps on a landmine when she tells Aqua to think of his mom dying as a way to illicit intense feelings enough to cry. I saw some people calling out Kana on a foul move but bro, SHE DOESN’T KNOW. If she did, 100% she wouldn’t have brought that up. She was just repeating what was told to her and follows it up by then telling him to think of times when he felt happy. But gosh… I can’t… it’s too cute… The way that he visably relaxes when he’s trying to remember moments where he was happy and the majority of them included Kana (even going as far as to have a segment purely for herself)… I just had to excuse myself and roll around a little bit because I was being overwhelmed with the cute and butterflies. And I just think it’s so heartwarming that we get to know that he was HAPPY when Kana started talking and fooling around with him again. And it was also cute that it was his sister’s smile of finally living out her dream that finally allowed him to fully embrace feeling happiness. Despite my issues with Aqua, I did make an audible “awww” when he actually gave a genuine smile. I don’t think we’ve ever seen him give such a happy, carefree smile since Ai’s death. And I legit felt happy for him… Only for that happiness to immediately be stripped away in the next scene.

This had to be one of the most haunting scenes in the show with essentially a demonized version of Goro appearing to remind Aqua he doesn’t have any right to be happy after letting Ai die. I actually looked up the manga chapter for this specific scene and was surprised at how different it was visually with us just seeing regular Goro instead of the eldritch horror version of him in the anime. And I have to say, I do really like what the anime did more because I feel like seeing Goro like that illicits a more visceral response. Because it was TERRIFYING. I feel like just seeing regular Goro just standing there wouldn’t have made the audience fear for Aqua. While I do think it works fine for the manga, it probably wouldn’t have felt the same in the anime so I’m honestly glad they changed to make it more horrifying. It’s interesting how Goro seems to be a completely separate being in a sense now. Usually when we see reincarnation stories where the person reincarnated is completely themselves, but it seems as if there is suddenly a break between Aqua and Goro as if he’s become his own entity to drive Aqua to carry out his wishes. In a way, it feels like Aqua has somewhat become his own person but is still being piloted by who he was in the past. Though it could also be a representation of his severe survivor’s guilt. Because the boy NEEDS therapy after the trauma he went through considering his PTSD response. It’s sad to see how shackled he is to his guilt and need for revenge where he can’t even allow himself to think about the happiness he’s experienced.

If Akane wasn’t an actress, she could totally be a detective because sheesh, the things she was able to put together from Aqua’s reactions and studying Ai so intensively was ridiculous. She truly is a genius in her own right. But time to be controversial again. While the Akane x Aqua shippers are probably squealing in delight, that scene at the end felt so foreboding to me. I even talked this over with a friend who likes Akane and even she was put off by that ending. Her mindset when it comes to Aqua doesn’t feel healthy. Because he saved her, it almost feels like she wants to return the favor and “save him” with the belief that she can help “fix” him and that in itself I feel can lead her down a dangerous path. Akane holds a lot of empathy, but that could also get herself into trouble if she decides to take on too much emotional burden from others. The issue that I raised before comes into play again because it feels like she’s coddling him. I feel like on the surface it’s a very sweet sentiment, especially when the “I can fix them” mentality is romanticized, but when you focus so much on someone’s burdens while neglecting your own, it definitely starts going into not so healthy territory. I know a lot of people are probably gonna come to argue with me, but this is my stance is so far. If I’m proven wrong by the series, so be it. But as it stands, this is my view of the situation and I don’t think it’s a good thing.

This episode definitely ended on a heavy note and I am wondering how things will go from here. Especially with how Melt and Aqua will move forward with their performances. Also, I saw those folders Gotanda… what are you planning???


A passionate yet somewhat awkward individual who just wants to talk about anime