I’m not going to lie, I was really worried when I watched the first few minutes of the episode and it was all recap of the entire match and we’d have to wait till next week for everything to unwind and give us a conclusion to this match. I‌ MEAN… We still have to wait until next week until we find out the outcome, but overall I think this was a pretty fantastic episode all around.

While it does feel like this match has been going on for such a long time, the recap was actually a nice inclusion because we were able to see how much has actually happened – what sort of development there was and how much conflict we’ve come across and overcome. It’s a good thing that I was relatively happy with them, because there were a solid amount of recaps that continued throughout the episode. We get a look back on this match as a whole, but then we also get to look back to the episode where Madoka meets Sora’s grandmother as well as a brief look back on everyone’s “pledges” or motivations to the team. I loved that they included this because it really, really built up the fact that the match is finally coming to a close. I just want them to be proud of themselves !! ;_;

I like that they took the time to explain a position change between Chiaki and Sora. At the end of the last episode, I figured it was just a chance to let Sora stand out even more, but to also give Chiaki some of the spotlight. Of course, it just boils down to – Chiaki tall. And therefore, despite his incredible skills on the court as the point guard, the team is really  missing out with having him on the court. Of course, there is a trade-off. Chiaki is s l o w. He’s big and bulky and doesn’t have the speed to keep up with other players. On the other hand, that’s Sora’s strong suit. He doesn’t have the height, but that makes his opponents disregard him and it’s his speed that gives him the advantage to break free and make important shots. But, as point guard Sora has to be calculated in his decisions. He has to make the decisions as to where the ball goes and ultimately how the get the ball to that destination. He’s can no longer be focused on making the shots himself, but rather getting the ball to those who can.

But taking a step off the court, I really enjoyed the moment with Sora’s mom. Personally, I don’t really think a whole lot was exchanged between her and Madoka in terms of dialogue, but just the various glances and the way the shots were set up. You could really see just how much of an impact this interaction had on Sora’s mom – it made me pretty emotional! It makes me really worried though, I hope things are alright for her in the end!

Back on the court, tensions are very high and we’re finally down to the last few seconds. Chiaki is a true surprise that their opponent could never expect. Plus, our team was able to pull of some pretty cool plays! They are really able to turn the game around! They’re putting in 110% and it’s really showing. The pressure is put back between both teams and now everyone has to choose between showing off or working as a collective. Taro, at this point is pretty overcome with jealousy. He hasn’t really been a team player the whole time he’s been on the court, so it isn’t really surprising that he’s trying to show off even in the end. But will that same thing be the downfall for Sora? Easily he could have passed the shot to Kite and been pretty much guaranteed to tie up the game, but now that it’s down to the wire Sora’s shot will get them the win or fall short.

And the title for the next episode???  I don’t know if it should inspire confidence! I mean, the next episode is called “Tears”- whose tears are they??? Are they happy tears or sad tears??? GAH The next episode can’t come fast enough!!!


I live up to my username, but I hope we can be friends!