Whelp, I can wholeheartedly say that I was definitely not expecting that ending. Maybe I’m not completely lost yet, as a person. Definitely gives me a new perspective on her asking for headpats. I think it’s a safe bet that those have a different meaning for her than they do for most other people. In either case, I guess you can’t really expect anything else with the show titled what it is. I like that the show started off with a cleaning montage and then became… what it did. All that talk about treasuring these precious moments, all set up for that final scene. Fantastic. I’m assuming that each one will have their own quirk, and I’m not talking My Hero Academia kind of quirks. Oh my god, when she said, “I envy that” she MEANT THE DOG. As I think more about her lines, the scenes just get funnier and funnier.
I like the art, I like the OST, and it made me laugh. A solid trio of descriptors if I do say so myself. Well, I liked the art when it was up close. They did a lot of distant shots that did that were kinda undetailed. Ahh, well even up close sometimes it didn’t look great, especially the shots when they were moving around and stuff in the gym. If you just look at their eyes though, you’re good. This harem also looks like it brings back the best guy friend character type which isn’t used a lot anymore. I like it though. Usually it’s a dumb, goofy guy, but Shoma seems like the athletic popular type, but either way I’m digging the dynamic between the two.
And after a show like Quintessential Quintuplets, we’ve finally returned to the osmium levels of denseness in our protagonist. Thank god. Who wants a self aware main character? Not me, no thanks.
So we have discovered the pet-fetishist (is there a proper name for that? I feel like it’s a level beyond BDSM. She seems like she specifically wants to be a dog.) but we’re still unsure of who Cinderella really is. Mizuha got her good romance luck at the beginning of the episode so, with no other evidence, I’m placing my bets on her. Plus, she likes to clean and organize and the underwear was folded in a very delicate way. Not to mention, when Keiki asked who left the clubroom last, Mizuha paused for a bit too long.
It just dawned on me that I’m using legitimate brain power to determine who would leave a pair of panties folded up with a love letter. This isn’t exactly what I had in mind when I took critical thinking courses in college. Ahh, my college debt is smiling down on me, now. Feels good man. So whoever left the note was in the locker, which was conveniently covered up when she accidentally banged herself against it. Is this an exhibitionist? No, no. But she wanted to experience Keiki finding it and reacting to it. Hmm… Well, I’ll wait til next week I guess.
The moment the show pointed out that ‘you’re name sounds as delicious as ever’ I literally could not stop hearing Cake as his name. I know they’re pronounced very similar, but usually when I’m watching a show in Japanese, I turn on anime brain and stop correlating sounds with english words. Mentioning the cake thing completely ruined that. The dude’s name is Cake now, forevermore.
This show seems like it’s going to be fun. Yuika, Nanjo, and Mizuha have still yet to be revealed for who they are, and I’m looking forward to that in the coming episodes. I covered Quintessential Quintuplets last season so I feel somewhat qualified to also be doing this show. Hopefully the art cleans up a bit but, otherwise, I think it’ll be fun to discuss stuff like the various fetishes I’m sure we’ll see, who’s best girl, and maybe we’ll even get to see some shodo? I won’t get my hopes up though.

*As I was writing this post and went back to get the screenshots, something popped up into my head. This is extremely visual novel-y. This must have come from a visual novel, right? Lot’s of poses in the middle of a room in different settings with blurry backgrounds and such.
At the very least, for now, I can safely say that the answer to the question, ‘Would You Love A Pervert, As Long As She’s Cute?’ is a resounding YES.
Possibility of Blogging: Yeah, let’s freakin’ go.