Well, sort of. Kotaro has a really good point about making sure their make-up doesn’t come off. Well anyway, the girls need to perform for a pharmaceutical company who’s having a company get away so they can get some money because their budget has run kind of dry. Really dry in fact, in reality they’re broke.
So they need this to go well and get a possible partnership! So they should be practicing their butts off, in theory but why is Kotaro the only one who gets to go sightseeing? So the girls head out to explore the new area they’re in and while they are looking around Ai asks two very important questions.

1. How the heck are they zombies to begin with? Don’t they mostly cremate their dead in Japan?
2. Who the heck is Kotaro really?

Ai has a really good point, as of 2009, 99.9% of Japanese bodies were cremated. Until the early 20th century it was only for the wealthy, so realistically? Yugiri is about the only one of them that should of been buried given the time periods they died in.
Are we going to get answers to either of these questions this episode? Doubt it. Are we ever going to get answers to these questions? Who knows, maybe? We’ll see where the tide of the anime takes us.

The girls all sit and talk about if they can make this work or not and at last it seems like Ai and Junko are all in. Yugiri questions how they can pleasure their guests tonight, phrasing, it’s important.

Did, did this episode just stop to specify that doing something to someone that isn’t a zombie is considered practicing medicine and not to try it at home? DID I JUST GET TOLD BY A ZOMBIE ANIME NOT TO TRY THIS AT HOME?
Excuse me, I’m just going to go into the corner and die of laughter. Then they proceed to slap the pharmaceutical companies products on the humans and there is no additional warning about practicing medicine. Maybe they think the two times warning was enough? Did we have to make it clear twice for the zombies and never once for the humans?

Also, the CGI is still super stilted, and i’m still not sure if this is intentional or not. It could be ‘Because they’re zombies’, or it could be a budget thing? Is it going to look better in the blu-ray? It’s just super strange to watch right now, in particular their eyes during these segments look very awkward. I’d want to call them ‘dead’ looking, but that just plays more on the zombie thing and makes me think that yeah, maybe it is intentional?

Here it is, the hot springs part! As part of the group goes to sleep, Saki, Sakura and Junko head out with their make-up still on to slip their way into the bath. It’s nighttime anyway, there will be less people around to see them with their make-up off. Yeah, this is screaming as a set-up for comedy.
Things seem to be going well first until the lady that Kotaro was talking to earlier in the episode steps into the bath while the girls are in there without their make-up. So clearly, they dive under water because zombies don’t have to breathe, or at least, Saki and Junko do.
Sakura clumsily knocks her own head off by knocking it on one of the rocks.

Did this just go full horror on us? Flickering lights, zombies in hallways, spooky animation. Creepy moments, I love it, I love everything about this. From Lily standing in the flickering hallway, to Tae falling from the ceiling. Yugiri’s slow turn as the lady runs to her for help. The lady gets such a scare that she forgets everything from the day before and thus the girls don’t get their partnership. Oh well, there is always next time.
I’m happy the girls have a good time together and i’m glad that their friendship got stronger. Still…NOW I CAN’T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT? HOW ARE THEY ZOMBIES? MOST OF THEM SHOULD BE DUST. THIS IS GOING TO BOTHER ME. SHE’S RIGHT, WHO IS KOTARO ANYWAY?
Er, sorry. Lost my head.

Next episode, baseball, chickens and is that a Tamagotchi? Wait, Tamagochi? Are, Are we going to get some Saki backstory? That would make me happier then you could ever understand!