As the show goes on we see Bananya has less concern for not being foundscreen-shot-2016-09-21-at-9-24-16-am and is actually more pre occupied with being the chillest banana cat that has ever existed. He not only goes outside, he sleeps outside. It is adorable to watch him be tiny and cute in his slumber while also being pestered by the mouse. Mouse returns this episode just to antagonize Bananya in his sleep but it turns out the joke is on him, Bananya can sleep through anything!

screen-shot-2016-09-21-at-9-25-34-amMy scornful enemy the deceitful dishonest to reality calico cat returns in order to play with Bananya as well. He gets what is coming to him when Bananya starts to box with him in his sleep. Wait, Bananya you might want to get this checked out. This is some serious narcoleptic tendencies. Okay, I might genuinely be reading too much into a children’s cartoon in Japan made to sell me plush toys. But I own the plush toys so who has the right to judge the show but me? Clearly I am its’ intended audience.

Which is why I squeed the whole episode as normal. They even gave the screen-shot-2016-09-21-at-9-26-56-ammouse his own section and revealed Bananyako has been feeding the mouse food. Come on girl, you’re totally helping the pest problem in this house. If you were an actual renter and not just a tiny girl cat inside a banana peel hiding from the house owners, they’d totally evict you.
