This is a short, but I must reveal to you why I want to cover this short: I love cute things. I especially love cute animal plush toys. Half the money I spend at anime conventions boil down to finding the most adorable food and animal based plush possible and buying it. At Anime Boston 2016 I purchased 5 plush toys in total and fine, I admit it! I am weak. This entire show will make me purchase all of the merchandise and probably talk about how perfect they are because cute banana cats what can even go wrong here?!
Watching this is literally 3 minutes of cute. There isn’t much dignified to say about the show other than to honestly dissect how adorable Bananya is. The show is narrated by a pretty normal sounding Japanese male narrator, so just hearing him talk about how ‘kawaii’ this cat banana is brings my intense joy. But who couldn’t find intense joy in this show? I wish it was longer than 3 minutes because I would love to watch an entire cheesy kids cartoon about Bananya and his dream of being a chocolate covered banana. Since there isn’t much content every week(at least the weeks I cover) I’ll just go over the new Bananya flavor and post the adorable screenshots of cute!
As a side note if you are interested in learning Japanese, Bananya is basic elementary Japanese and very simple so listening to it rather than reading the subtitles is a great way to practice. Another bonus to adorable perfection! On top of that, they have pictures of their real live cat ‘friends’. Excuse me, I have to go dunk my head in some water and scream about how cute banana cats are.
Guaranteed Coverage, I am weak
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