Episode 6

As Luluco’s mom continues to lift Ogikubo into space, Chief Over Justice decides to bring Luluco’s father back to life by nuking his brain slab in a microwave. The chief slaps a microphone on the frozen slab and voila, Keiji’s able to speak again!

Luluco and the others start throwing around various ideas of what to do about the space pirates. Keiji yells that he has an idea: back at his apartment, hidden behind a closet is a hidden passage to a spaceship. He apologizes to Luluco for not being able to be normal while he tries to resolve the situation. His grand plan is vlcsnap-00002to shoplift back Ogikubo. A crime plus a crime equals justice, don’tcha know?

The spaceship launches, and lodges itself in the side of Lalaco’s pirate spaceship. Lalaco appears on their monitor and she and Keiji start screaming at each other.

Suddenly from out of nowhere a space portal appears. The space auction is over – Ogikubo has been sold! In a flash it is boxed up into a neat little package and is ready to be delivered by Lalaco’s crew. Midori gets the idea of using the leftover copies of her quasi-legal phone app to conjure up a giant portal of her own, bigger than the space auction portal. She reaches into her phone and grabs hold of the pirate spaceship. Midori’s gonna go some shoplifting of her own. ;D

Keiji warns that the two warps are going to distort space, so they should make their move now. As Lalaco’s mother goes berserk and tries to break free from Midori’s grasp, Midori pulls upward and drags the pirate’s warp back through her portal. The combination of the two warp fields transports Luluco and the rest of her group to another point in space. Another dimension? Another galaxy? In front of them is an ominous looking thread-like planet.




Episode 7

Luluco’s out cold when this episode opens, but thankfully Nova’s there to gently wake her up. Keiji starts screaming about the lack of space ethics in their modern day, and it’s all because there’s a lack of love which transcends generations. Er… ok. Keiji’s brain suddenly passes out, thankfully, and Luluco is given a recap of recent events because she seems to be forgetting a few things.

Midori does a quick search on her phone, and discovers that they are looking at Thread-Ball Planet : KLK-X. On it is supposed to be another version of Ogikubo; but is it their Ogikubo? Luluco and the others head down to the planet’s surface to find out.

vlcsnap-00002At first look, everything appears to be just like home. However Luluco notices some subtle differences. She looks around for her group, and then spots Nova. Or is it really Nova? It looks like Nova, but…

“Nova” proclaims that he and Luluco are bound by a thread of fate, and sure enough there’s a red string connecting their fingers together. This is a reference to the East Asian belief that two people connected by a red thread are destined to be lovers regardless of the time, circumstance, or place. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break. This is similar to the Western concept of a soulmate.

“Nova” holds his hands up, and shows that he has red threads connecting him to the rest of Luluco’s friends plus everyone else in the area. He reveals himself to be Kill-**-Killian, and that the red threads are allowing him to appear to everyone as their heart’s desire. Luluco sees that Nova also has a red thread on his finger, and she freaks out about whether he is seeing her as his heart’s desire. Meanwhile in the background the alien Kill-**-Killian is describing how his people are using the red threads to suck energy and space life fibers from the city’s population, and have turned the planet into a tourism hub, thus giving them an easy and constant source of energy.

Luluco interrupts the alien’s monologue and transforms into her Space Patrol uniform. She attempts to arrest Kill-**-Killian for “some kind of space fraud,” but cannot complete her Judgement Gun Morphing because she’s suddenly tied up with numerous red threads. Killian finishes his monologue by telling Luluco that the threads can’t be cut unless they’re cut with scissors which are also made of life fibers. Of course no one has a pair like that, so Chief Over Justice uses his flames to burn the threads and set the alien on fire.

Luluco, Nova and Midori complete their transformations, but Killian announces he would rather burn himself than be arrested. He goes up in purple flames, and also sets the whole planet on fire. Luluco and the others escape on their ship. Nova theorizes that Killian was the way he was because he was really lonely, and he needed love to heal the hunger in his heart.

Luluco and the others sail off into space as they continue to look for Lalaco and Keiji’s frozen body.

My thoughts: These were… interesting episodes. Lalaco’s still psycho, and I was relieved when Keiji’s brain slab fell asleep so I didn’t have to hear him yelling anymore. Midori continues to be my favourite character, she’s so sassy. ^_^v  The second episode was a little anti-climactic, what with Killian deciding to essentially off himself and the entire planet instead of being arrested. The large bold red captions in the second episode were pretty funny though.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Berry

    This is honestly anime of the season, I’m enjoying this show way more than Kiznaiver.

    Did you watch Kill la Kill? Because episode 7 was an entire parody of Kill la Kill, and since Trigger made Kill la Kill, they’re obviously allowed to parody their own show. The life fibers, the scissors he was talking about, the planet being called KLK, and Guts the dog there, all from Kill la Kill, as well as the famous DON’T LOSE YOUr WAAAAAAAY playing in the background. I was dying of laughter, and that episode alone made it anime of the season for me.

    1. Nikolita

      Oh! xD No I haven’t watched Kill la Kill, aside from maybe the first episode I think. But it wasn’t for me. I’m glad you enjoyed it so much though! 😀

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